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2 What is a Prepositional Phrase? Section 1

3 What is a Prepositional Phrase? A prepositional phrase follows this formula: A prepositional phrase might only have a preposition and a noun or pronoun (such as: to school), but it may also have additional words between the noun or pronoun and the preposition (such as under the small wooden desk.) What is a Prepositional Phrase?

4 Identifying Prepositional Phrases A noun or pronoun in a prepositional phrase answers the question “What?” For example, take the prepositional phrase from the house. You can ask the question “From what?” and answer it with that prepositional phrase: “from the house.” What is a Prepositional Phrase?

5 Prepositions Section 2

6 Prepositions Although you know that a prepositional phrase consists of a preposition + a noun or pronoun, that still doesn’t help to identify them, since you probably don’t know what a preposition is. Well, there are many prepositions, and memorizing them can help you to identify prepositional phrases. (Believe me, it will pay off.) Prepositions

7 Common Prepositions There are many prepositions out there, but here are some of the more common prepositions that you should learn: Prepositions

8 Common Prepositions Prepositions Common Prepositions Table AboardAmongForIntoOutToward AboutAroundFromLikeOut ofUnder AboveAtIn addition to NearOutsideUnderneath According toByIn backNext toOverUntil AcrossDespiteIn back ofOfPastUp Across fromDownIn front ofOffRegardingUpon AfterDuringInsideOnSinceWith AgainstDoIn spite ofOn account ofThroughWithin AlongExcept for Instead ofOntoToWithout

9 Identifying/ Using Prepositional Phrases Section 3

10 Recall how to Identify Recall that A noun or pronoun in a prepositional phrase answers the question “What?” Find the prepositional phrases in the following sentences! Identifying/ Using Prepositional Phrases

11 Practice Find and cross out the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence: Identifying/ Using Prepositional Phrases Bill and Bobby walked to the store. Hint: To find the prepositional phrase, ask “Bill and Bobby walked to what? Bill and Bobby walked to the store.

12 Practice Find and cross out the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence: Identifying/ Using Prepositional Phrases I was lying beneath the umbrella on the beach. Hint: To find the prepositional phrase, ask “I was lying beneath what?” and “I was lying on what?” I was lying beneath the umbrella on the beach.

13 Practice Find and cross out the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence: Identifying/ Using Prepositional Phrases He was sitting next to the piano. Hint: To find the prepositional phrase, ask “He was sitting next to what?” He was sitting next to the piano.

14 Practice Find and cross out the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence: Identifying/ Using Prepositional Phrases We were among the crowd in the auditorium of the school.

15 Practice Find and cross out the prepositional phrase(s) in this sentence: Identifying/ Using Prepositional Phrases The pillows were on the bed.

16 Why is this important? Section 4

17 Helps You Identify Parts of a Sentence If you cross out the prepositional phrases in a sentence, you can easily identify its parts such as the subject, verb, and other information. Crossing out prepositional phrases can turn this sentence… I was waiting in the back of the line for the ride since early this morning at 7:00. …into this: I was waiting in the back of the line for the ride since early this morning at 7:00. With the new, shortened sentence, you can now easily identify the subject as I and the verb phrase as was waiting. Easy, right? Why is this Important?

18 Brought to you by Thank you for viewing!

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