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Norms of Behavior and Etiquette in the Paterno and Pattee Library By: Alex D’Urso, Julianne Guillard, Allison Kootsikas, Laura Peters.

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Presentation on theme: "Norms of Behavior and Etiquette in the Paterno and Pattee Library By: Alex D’Urso, Julianne Guillard, Allison Kootsikas, Laura Peters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norms of Behavior and Etiquette in the Paterno and Pattee Library By: Alex D’Urso, Julianne Guillard, Allison Kootsikas, Laura Peters

2 Abstract We chose to look at how social norms and etiquette are formed within particular rooms of the University library. Norms and etiquette are defined as a method of socially accepted behavior and reactions towards that behavior by other members of the observed group. We witnessed how the following actions were executed and reacted to: talking, eating, drinking, and technology usage.

3 Research Questions What are the norms and etiquette in the University library? Are the norms written or unwritten? What are acceptable and unacceptable behaviors? How do you know the etiquette and norms if they are unspoken? How do people choose their seats in the library?

4 Library Code of Conduct Rules pertinent to our study Beverages: Beverages in securely covered containers are permitted in the University Libraries unless othewise indicated by “No beverages in this area” signs. Food: Food is not permitted in the Univesity Libraries except in designated areas. Library patrons should dispose of all food containers and refuse in the appropriate receptacles or recycyling bins. Disruptive Behavior: Disruptive behavior of any kind, including excessive noise, harassing other patrons, or harassing Libraries’ staff is prohibited.

5 Observations in the Humanities Room Socially mandated (students in the room) and library mandated etiquette Signs at the table: “Thank-you for not eating in the library” Sitting at the ends of tables before filling the middle chairs Occurrences when library etiquette were breeched People staring and looking up Attempts to make eye contact with the offender People lower their voices when entering the Humanities Room

6 Observations in the Computer Labs Lines form outside of lab when full Signs throughout the room No Cell Phone Zone Please don’t play games if the lab is full No food, drinks, or chewing tobacco People would leave printed documents facedown on the printer Non-academic website usage MySpace Instant Message (IM) Facebook

7 Visual Reinforcements in Computer Lab Cell Phone Use in the Libraries As a courtesy to other library users, patrons are reminded that cell phone use is limited to designated cell phone zones. (Guide to the Libraries, p. 46)

8 Observations in Reading Reserve Room Quiet by the study carrels, loud at the main tables Louder talking (person to person, cell phone) and group work occurring than in other rooms Moving library computers closer to work together Conflicting signs Free Coffee No Food or Drinks Drinks must be in library-approved containers

9 Visual Reinforcements in Reading Reserve Room

10 Visual Reinforcements in Humanities Room This is the only regulatory sign in the Humanities Room

11 Voices from the Field “There’s a Code of Conduct?” “I normally just trust everyone.” “I would definitely say something to someone who was being too loud.” “I didn’t know there was a no food or drink policy in the library.” “If the signs were bigger with ‘Warning’ written across them, I would pay more attention.” “Signs on the walls just blend in with everything else.”

12 Summary People come to the library already knowing how to behave The Code of Conduct includeds generalizations because of this assumption Some of the generalizations leave much to interpretation The library expands on the socially-mandated behavior learned from previous experiences within a library to include its policies and expected norms and etiquette.

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