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PRESENTATION TEMPLATE. The Goal is… o To communicate the company’s story as clearly as possible o To create excitement for the opportunity to attract.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION TEMPLATE. The Goal is… o To communicate the company’s story as clearly as possible o To create excitement for the opportunity to attract."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Goal is… o To communicate the company’s story as clearly as possible o To create excitement for the opportunity to attract further resources o To get a second meeting! “Every presentation will be unique and have its own flow, but a template is a really good start.”

3 Presentation Musts… o Less Is More – 13-15 Minutes only – Graphics; Keep It Simple, Standard Logo o 12-14 slides with key sound-bites (3-4 per slide...the rest is your story!) o Utilize back-up slides to pull out during the Q&A session (anticipate questions and prepare)

4 Slide 1 – Introduction o Presenter and company introduction o Who you are o What market you address o What does your business do? o Significant milestones to date o Anchor Points (2-3 questions to focus the panel) o Business model? o Go-to-Market strategy? o Funding? 30s Elevator Pitch

5 Slide 2 – Opportunity o Define the opportunity (The Pain) o Who is the customer? o What is the big problem? o How important is a resolution? o How do will you turn “need” to “want”? o What is your value proposition? o Quantify the solution

6 Slide 3 – Your Solution o Compelling description of your solution o Graphics, illustrations pictures, video o What is it, what does it do? o KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) o Key Benefits v Features (don’t go into technical detail) o Relate to the opportunity o USPs o Why will the customer pay?

7 Slide 4 – Technology (if appropriate) o In layman’s terms o Graphs and pictures work o Assume that the audience does not know the technological field you are in o Give a compelling description without using abbreviations or techy terms

8 Slide 5 – Market Frame o Frame your market o Type (who are the customers) o Size (Annual Available Market) o Growth (AGR) o Maturity (Buying Cycle) o How will your solution be positioned? o Demonstrate market fit o Market penetration o What is your unfair advantage?

9 Slide 6 – Competitive Market o What does the competition landscape look like? o Are there alternative solutions? o Barriers to Entry o Who are your target customers? o How do they buy? o What’s holding you back?

10 Slide 7 – Competitive Advantage o What is your “unfair advantage”? o What are your differentiators that “hook” the decision makers? o What is your solutions life cycle? o Why should the customer pay for it o What’s your value proposition?

11 Slide 8 – Go to Market Strategy o Price (value) o What is your Pricing model? o Place (where and how will you make sales) o Channel to market o Promotion (branding, lead generation) o PR o SEO o Advertising o Media

12 Slide 9 – Traction o Your Team o Corporate Governance o Financial o Marketing and sales o Technical o Demonstrate the team’s ability to deliver o Build confidence in team o Track record o Traction to date o Milestones achieved against objectives set

13 Slide 10 – Financials o Financial Plan (overview) o P&L o Cash Flow o B/S o 5 Year forecast o Highlight critical assumptions/milestones o Highlight risk mitigation o Don’t provide details o But be prepared to discuss

14 Slide 11 – Funding requirement o How much money do you need? o Where will the money be put to use? o R&D o Marketing o Sales o Production o Administration o How long will the money last? o What is your exit plan and valuation?

15 2006200720082009 Strategic Planning Phase I Development Phase II Development Pilot Test Mass Production (II) 2010 IPO/Trade Sale Mass Production (I) Time Project Milestone Financial Milestone Fund Raising (I) US£ 1 M Fund Raising (II) US£ 1.5M Slide 12 – Chronology

16 Slide 13 – Assumptions & Risks List of Critical Assumptions What is the negative impact? How you have mitigated? In order, risk size / priority …… 2 3 4

17 Slide 14 – Exit Strategy o Acquisition o By who and why o Recent precedents o IPO o Recent similar examples o Forecast o In 5 years… o Revenue… o EBITDA

18 Slide 15 – Summary o The Opportunity o Your Solution o Your uniqueness o The Prognosis The Wow Factor “List your USPs, leave the audience with a few “deep” lingering thoughts and repeat the 3 questions you want the panel to focus on…”

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