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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES AND CONTRACEPTIVES."— Presentation transcript:


2 R EPRODUCTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES I N VITRO FERTILIZATION In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproduction technology used when natural fertilization methods are unsuccessful. IVF is a scientific process where a female egg is fertilized my a male sperm externally in a glass dish.

3 R EPRODUCTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES I N VITRO FERTILIZATION There are five basic steps in the IVF and embryo transfer process: 1. Monitor and stimulate the development of healthy egg(s) in the ovaries. 2. Collect the eggs. 3. Secure the sperm. 4. Combine the eggs and sperm together in the laboratory and provide the appropriate environment for fertilization and early embryo growth. 5. Transfer embryos into the uterus.

4 R EPRODUCTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES E MBRYO TRANSFER Embryo transfer is a simple procedure which follows in vitro fertilization. In the beginning stages after fertilization occurs an embryo begins to emerge. This embryo is transferred into the uterus and the pregnancy continues in the woman womb.

5 R EPRODUCTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES A RTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Artificial insemination, also known as AI, is a procedure used to treat infertility, that involves direct insertion of semen into a woman's womb. It is a process originally used on livestock that has been adapted for human use. In human use, the sperm could originate from the woman's male partner, unless the male is infertile or there is no male partner (i.e. single woman or woman in same sex relationship).

6 CONTRACEPTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES Contraceptive technologies include: Condoms Oral contraceptive pill Diaphram Intra-uterine devices (IUD’s) Sterilization Morning after pill

7 CONTRACEPTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES H OW THEY WORK Most contraceptives block or prevent the sperm from ever reaching the egg. Condoms prevent sperm from ever entering the vagina during intercourse. Diaphragms are a shallow silicon cup that is placed in the vagina which blocks the sperm from ever reaching egg. Birth control pills contain the hormones estrogen and progestin which control the ability for the body to release an egg. No egg means no fertilization.

8 CONTRACEPTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES H OW THEY WORK There are both copper and hormonal IUD’s which affect the way sperm is able to move not allowing it to reach the egg. For some women using a hormonal IUD, the egg is not released. Sterilization procedures are meant to be permanent. A woman can have tubal ligation surgery which closes the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are the pathway in which the eggs are released through. A man can have a vasectomy which closes the man’s tubes which carry sperm. By sealing off these tubes sperm is not able to reach an egg, meaning fertilization can not occur

9 CONTRACEPTIVE T ECHNOLOGIES H OW THEY WORK The morning after pill can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex has occurred. Pregnancy does not occur at the moment of sexual intercourse, it can take up to 6 days for the sperm to fertilize an egg. This method prolongs the ability of the ovaries to release an egg, therefore sperm will not reach the egg. Some have though this is a form of abortion, but that is not the case because an egg has never been fertilized. This method of birth-control is approximately 70%-80% effective and these odd decrease with more time.

10 ASSIGNMENT Examine through research social and cultural issues related to the use of reproductive and/or contraceptive technologies in humans and defend a given position on an issue related to the use of reproductive and/or contraceptive technologies.  Choose one issue to write a 5-10 sentence paragraph about.  State the position you are defending.  State 3 to 5 valid reason in support of your defence.  Write a closing statement.  Make sure your paragraph is grammatically correct.  Hand in by Thursday January 8 th.


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