Welcome Parents! Ms. Morris Kindergarten 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! Ms. Morris Kindergarten 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! Ms. Morris Kindergarten 2013-2014

2 First, a few words from our Principal, Laurie O’Neill… http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=yqgfBKcveB4

3 Introductions The Awesome Austin Kinder Team! Kristy Kaprelian, Christene McNeme, Madeleine Morris, Ally Cooper

4 All About Ms. Morris… Grew up in Cypress, Tx Graduated from Texas A&M University (Whoop! ) Oldest child of four: 1 sister and 2 brothers Like to exercise, read, play with my dog and be outside in my free time

5 Experience 2nd year at Austin Elementary 2nd year teaching Kindergarten! Student taught a Kinder. class in CSISD Worked for several years with Pre-K and Kinder. students at BGCC Students should enjoy learning through a variety of activities High expectations for achievement and behavior Students must feel safe and know that I care about them Partnership and communication with parents is crucial! & Philosophy

6 School Procedures Arrival and Dismissal - Doors are unlocked at 7:30 and students are let into the gym. - At 7:40 the students can walk to class. - If students arrive at 7:50 or later, they must go to the office to get a tardy slip. - For daily changes in dismissal plans, please call the office or e- mail Ms. Morris before 2:00 if possible! - If your child is absent, please send a written and signed note stating why your child was absent. This note must be turned in within 2 days.

7 School Code of Conduct We are respectful We are responsible We are safe We are prepared Because we are Austin Mustangs On a mission to EXCELLENCE!

8 Great Expectations - No behavior clip chart - Logical consequences - Intrinsic motivation - Voice levels - Parent contact (email or call if needed instead of a daily behavior chart) *The 8 expectations of living that our class will be following are posted on my webpage.

9 Kindergarten: Learning Responsibility Bring backpack, lunch, snack (healthy/in separate container) and water bottle daily Maroon Austin take home folders Lunch: payments in the morning, Family Fridays, music Homework-reading and occasional home projects Clothes in the back of cubby Tennis shoes for P.E.

10 Language Arts Mini Lessons Guided Reading Groups Daily 5 Stations –Read to Self –Work on Words –Work on Writing –Listen to Reading –Read to someone (Starting in the spring)

11 Writing Daily Composition Journals Stages of Writing Handwriting Without Tears

12 Math Math Stations –Counting –Patterning –Graphing –Number Sense –Addition/Subtraction Hands on math: Not as many worksheets!

13 Technology Kindergarten Expectations for technology… Working on Introducing rather than Mastering - Logging onto computers, proper keyboard usage, etc.

14 Science FOSS kits: Animals, Fabric, Wood/Paper, Trees Science Journals Thinking Maps

15 Daily Schedule Specials: vary each week *check the weekly newsletter for P.E. (tennis shoe) days Library: Class check-out and library lessons on Mondays Computer lab once a week Counseling once a month Snack daily at 10:05

16 A normal day in K1 looks like… 7:50-8:30 Attendance/Call to Excellence/ Calendar 8:30-10:20 Language Arts Daily 5 Rotations Guided Reading Groups 10:05-10:20 Snack/Read Aloud 10:20-11:05 Specials 11:05-11:35 Writer’s Workshop 11:35-12:35 Lunch/Recess 12:35-12:50 Handwriting 12:50-1:50 Math 1:50-2:20 Science (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) Social Studies (Tuesday/Thursday) 2:20-2:50 WIBA 2:50-3:05 Pack up/Dismissal

17 Grading System & Progress Reports Each 9 weeks Standards Based District assessments/ benchmarks Teacher observation Conferences: Beginning of October *Sign-ups will be emailed out soon! MS meets standards AS approaching standards IPS insufficient progress

18 Special Information 1.Parents entering the building 2.All volunteers MUST complete a criminal background check 3.Yellow pick-up cards 4.Birthday celebrations 5.Scholastic Book Orders 6.Box Tops 7.Nurse (Fever, Vomiting)

19 Special Days College Days - Every Wednesday - Everyone encouraged to wear a college t-shirt Rise and Shine Assemblies - 1 st Friday of the month - Student led - Cheers/Birthdays/Celebrations - Great Expectations Spirit Days - 3 times a year - Wear Austin or Coppell t-shirt - Character Trait winners recognized

20 Odds and Ends Upcoming events in K1 will be posted on my webpage in the section “Monthly Calendars”. My website is up, but more information will be added throughout the year. Keep checking back! Weekly newsletters will be emailed out (no paper copies) and posted on my webpage. Please contact me if you ever have any questions through… Email: mmorris@coppellisd.com Phone: 214-496-7326 MaroonTake Home Folders

21 Thank you for coming! I look forward to a wonderful year! Please write a note to leave on your child’s desk before you go

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