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University Core- Minimum 44 Credits 1.FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS To help students achieve competency in a variety of communication & quantitative skills.

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Presentation on theme: "University Core- Minimum 44 Credits 1.FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS To help students achieve competency in a variety of communication & quantitative skills."— Presentation transcript:


2 University Core- Minimum 44 Credits 1.FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS To help students achieve competency in a variety of communication & quantitative skills. 2.AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE (AOKs: Western Heritage; World Cultures and Traditions; Humanistic and Creative Expressions; Analysis of Human, Social and Natural Phenomena) To offer students broad exposure to a variety of approaches and perspectives in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, and other liberal arts disciplines. 3.REQUIRED LEARNING EXPERIENCES Civic Engagement, Learning Community, Writing-Enhanced Courses

3 Writing 7-10 Credits (First course based on Placement) ENG 110 or 110A Composition ENG 120 or 120A Critical Writing ENG 201 or 201A Writing in the Disciplines Other ESL Placement for non-native speakers: ENG 052 Adv Grammar for ESL (no credit) ENG 099A Intro to Academic Writing-ESL (no credit) ENG 100A Academic Writing –ESL (4 credits) – (applied to Open Elective credit only)

4 Speech COM 200 or 200A Public Speaking Mathematics (course determined by major) MAT 102- Most Dyson (non SCI) majors, PSY (PLV) MAT 104- All Business & Dyson- PSY (NYC), ECO, LWT, CS MAT 109- Most SOE majors MAT 131- BIO (BS), CHE, CS Majors (BS) MAT 134- Forensic SCI, BIO (BA), CSD, Nursing MAT 141-Psychology **Note: In most cases, if a student is Undecided they should not take a MATH course.

5 Note on Math Foundation Course: The first course students take in their Math Sequence is based on placement. All incoming freshmen are required to take the MPE. Very Low/Low: MAT 100 (2 credits) DOES NOT fulfill a core requirement, may be applied to Open Electives. Intermediate: MAT 103/103A (BUS majors) DOES NOT fulfill Core, may be used as Open Elective. MAT 102 (most Dyson majors) satisfies Math Core. MAT 109 (most SOE majors) satisfies Math Core. High: MAT 104 or MAT 130 depending on major. MAT 104 fulfills Math Core; MAT 130 may be applied to Open Electives. High Plus: MAT 131

6 Science A science course with a laboratory component Non-Science majors should take a 3-credit course, found under Chemistry, Science or Environmental Studies. Exception is BIO 123 (commonly taken by SOE students), which is 4 credits. Computer Science CIS 101Introduction to Computing CS 121Computer Programming I (Required for CS majors and minors) TS 105Computers For Human Empowerment (Also satisfies AOK I) – Recommended for Education Majors

7 Second Language Proficiency (0-6 credits) All students entering are required to satisfy the Second Language Core requirement The number of credits required will depend on student’s proficiency in a second language of their choosing. Students must take a language placement exam if they have studied two years or more of a language and wish to continue studying that language. If a student decides to learn a new language, they will start in the 101 level. International students are exempt from fulfilling the language requirement

8 Areas of Knowledge Students may take a maximum of two courses with the same disciplinary prefix within the Areas of Knowledge. With the Dean’s Office approval, a student may complete an in-depth sequence of courses, each of which replaces one course from each of the Areas of Knowledge, up to a maximum of three courses, and consisting of at least 9 credits with the same disciplinary prefix. Western Heritage –WH (formerly AOK 2)  2 courses World Tradition & Cultures – WTC (formerly AOK 3)  2 courses Humanistic & Creative Expressions - HC (formerly AOK 4)  2 courses Analysis of Human, Social, & Natural Phenomenon – HSN (formerly AOK 5)  2 courses

9 Other Requirements: All students are required to take UNV 101 (1 credit pass/fail) applied to elective credits All students are required to complete a Learning Community: two paired courses or a stand-alone, 6 or 7 Credit Interdisciplinary (INT) course. All students are required to take two Writing-Enhanced Courses (WEC) in addition to English Foundation courses. These courses can be found by sorting courses by the WEC attribute in the Schedule Explorer. Students must take one course (from any discipline) designated as Civic Engagement (CE), formerly AOK 1. You may also see what requirements a student has already fulfilled by looking at their portal transcript

10 More Core Curriculum Notes: Courses that students take as part of a Learning Community can be used to fulfill Foundation, Area of Knowledge, major, or open elective requirements. Example: New York City- The Early Years (LC) fulfills: ENG 120Foundation Course HIS113KWorld Cultures and Traditions (formerly AOK 2)

11 More Core Curriculum Notes: Courses taken to fulfill Foundation (except ENG), Area of Knowledge, Major or Free Elective Requirements may also satisfy the Writing Enhanced requirement if the course has that attribute. A course required for the major can also fulfill an Area of Knowledge requirement. However, the credits earned for that course will only count toward the major, unless otherwise indicated. (Can’t double dip!) These courses are usually indicated on the worksheet. Example: PSY 112, HSN (Area 4) - 4 credits Major requirement fulfilled/no credit applied toward Major Lubin Majors take EC0 105 and MAT 117 to fulfill their HSN (Human, Social & Natural Phenomena) Area of Knowledge Lubin Students have to take additional Liberal Arts courses as part of their core curriculum

12 The class schedule search will allow you to view what courses count towards an AOK, Foundation Course, Writing Enhanced Course, Learning Community, etc.

13 Open Electives: They count toward your degree requirements Courses in ANY academic discipline may be taken to fulfill Open Electives. ENG 100A, ENG 105, MAT 100, MAT 103/103A, and UNV 101 will also be used to fulfill Open Electives.

14 Always consult both the major side of the worksheet and core side of the worksheet to determine which, if any, core courses also fulfill major requirements To determine the appropriate math course, consult the major worksheet If a student is selecting his/her first math course, it is based on placement Many AOK courses fulfill more than one area, so consider moving courses from area to area, if necessary (e.g., SOC 102 can be an AOK 2 or 5)

15 How do students who are exempt from one or more Core requirements make up the credits? How do students receive credit for AP tests /College Credit taken in high school? What happens if a student fails one of the courses in a learning community and passes the other? How can I find out what my courses count for?

16 Are all AOK courses in Dyson? What happened to AOK 1? Where are those courses now? Can I take ENG 201 in my freshman year? What classes count toward open electives?

17 Commonly Asked Questions: What happens if I’m not taking an LC in my first semester? When should I take COM 200? What should I know about dropping classes? Can I declare a major and minor or double major without taking longer to graduate? Dual Degree vs. Double Major

18 Resource for Faculty Advisors:

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