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Today we are focusing on… ADJECTIVES INTRO VIDEO CLIP Confused?

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2 Today we are focusing on…




6 How about a video clip to help? zGLzFuwxI

7 OBJECTIVES o To know and understand the definition of the word adjective. o Students should know the three types of adjectives, and they should be able to change an adjective into each of the three forms.

8 What is an adjective ? Definition: o Words used to describe nouns or pronouns o They typically ask the questions o Which one? o What kind? o How many? EXAMPLE : The tall man ate ice cream.

9 Adjectives can take three forms… 1.Positive – It is the main form of an adjective. It is used when describing a single thing or multiple things that have the same characteristic. 2. 3. Example : Miley Cyrus is a pretty girl.

10 The second form is…. Comparative Comparative – It is the form used when comparing two things. o General Rule: To make a short adjective comparative you add –er. For a longer adjective at more in front of the adjective. – Example: nicer – Taylor Swift is nicer than – Kanye West.

11 The third form is… 3. Superlative- It is the form used when comparing three or more objects. o General Rule: for short words you add –est. For longer words at put most in front of the word. o example: tallest o The Sunflower is the tallest flower.

12 need to be careful because there are words that don’t follow the pattern. You Examples: Good, Bad, and Little

13 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Standard Comparative Superlative

14 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Standard Comparative Superlative

15 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - oldest Standard Comparative Superlative

16 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - oldest worse Standard Comparative Superlative

17 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Olderoldest worseworst Standard Comparative Superlative

18 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Olderoldest worseworst More difficult Standard Comparative Superlative

19 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Olderoldest worseworst More difficult Most difficult Standard Comparative Superlative

20 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Olderoldest worseworst More difficult Most difficult larger Standard Comparative Superlative

21 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Olderoldest worseworst More difficult Most difficult largerlargest Standard Comparative Superlative

22 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Olderoldest worseworst More difficult Most difficult largerlargest better Standard Comparative Superlative

23 Practice, Practice, Practice 1) old- - 2) bad - - 3) difficult - - 4) large - - 5) good - - Olderoldest worseworst More difficult Most difficult largerlargest betterbest Standard Comparative Superlative

24 Great Job!

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