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Adjective An adjective is used with a noun (person or thing) and gives more information about the person or thing.

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2 Adjective An adjective is used with a noun (person or thing) and gives more information about the person or thing.

3 Comparison of Adjectives Adjectives can be used to compare things or people. There are three degrees of comparison.

4 Adjectives having one or two syllables take ‘er’ in the comparative form to compare two things or people. Adjectives take ‘est’ in the superlative form to compare three things or people. Adjectives having one or two syllables

5 Adjectives having three or more syllables take ‘more’ in the comparative form and ‘most’ in the superlative form. The article ‘the’ is put before the superlative adjective Adjectives having three or more syllables

6 Example 1 : small smallestsmallersmall CommonComparativeSuperlative

7 Example 2 : long longestlongerlong CommonComparativeSuperlative

8 CommonComparative Superlative short shortershortest Example 3: short

9 Example 4 : tall CommonComparativeSuperlative tall tallesttaller

10 CommonComparativeSuperlative narrow narrowernarrowest Example 5: narrow

11 Example 6 : dangerous CommonComparativeSuperlative dangerousmore dangerousmost dangerous

12 Example 7 CommonComparativeSuperlative bad good little many far much Irregular comparison of some adjectives worseworst betterbest lessleast moremost farther/further farthest/furthest moremost

13 Exercise 1 CommonComparativeSuperlative old high fast olderoldest higher highest faster fastest

14 Exercise 2 Read the information in the following table. Compare the three basket players and answer the questions. DavidAlexKen Age192120young/old Height175 cm170 cm184 cmshort/tall Weight67 kg62 kg70 kglight/heavy Speed for 100 m dash 13 seconds 12 seconds16 seconds slow/fast Degree of popularity ****** unpopular/ popular

15 Exercise 2 Example: Who is the shortest basketball player? 1.Who is the youngest basketball player? Answer: David is the youngest basketball player 2. Who is taller than Alex? Answer: Ken is taller than Alex Answer: Alex is the shortest basketball player.

16 3.Who is the heaviest basketball player?. Answer: Ken is the heaviest basketball player. 4. Who is the fastest runner ? Answer: Alex is the fastest runner. 5. Who is more popular than Alex and less popular than Ken? Answer: David is more popular than Alex and less popular than Ken

17 Websites: 1. 2.

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