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Spinal Conditions Chapter 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Spinal Conditions Chapter 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spinal Conditions Chapter 9

2 Spinal Column Cervical 7 vertebrae Thoracic 12 vertebrae
Lumbar 5 vertebrae Sacral 5 fused vertebrae Coccygeal 4 small fused vertebrae

3 Vertebrae Body Vertebral arch Several bony processes
Articular processes (facet joints) Pedicles

4 Intervertebral Discs Fibrocartilaginous Poor circulatory supply
Annulus Fibrosus Nucleous Pulposus (gelatinous) Poor circulatory supply

5 Ligaments of the Spine Anterior Longitudinal Ligaments
Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments Supraspinous Ligament Ligamentum Flavum

6 Muscles of the Spine Erector Spinae muscles Provide: Lateral flexion
Lateral rotation Flexion Extension

7 Spinal Nerves 31 pairs emanate from the cord Cervical 8 pairs
Thoracic 12 pairs Lumbar 5 pairs Sacral 5 pairs Coccygeal 1 pair

8 Brachial Plexus C5 – T1 nerve roots Innervate: Arm Forearm Hand

9 Lumbar Plexus T12 – L5 nerve roots Innervate: Quadriceps
Adductor muscle group

10 Sacral Plexus L4 – L5 Innervate: Muscles of the Buttocks
Posterior muscles of the lower leg Anterior muscles of the lower leg Lateral muscles of the lower leg

11 Anatomical Variations
Kyphosis- Accentuation of the thoracic curve Scoliosis- Lateral curve of the spine Lordosis- Abnormal exaggeration of the lumbar curve

12 Cervical Spine Injuries
Cervical Sprains Cervical Strains Cervical Spinal Stenosis Spear Tacklers Spine Cervical Fractures and Dislocations

13 Cervical Spine Injuries cont.
Brachial Plexus Injuries Acute Burners or Stingers Chronic Burners or Stingers Suprascapular Nerve Injury

14 Thoracic Spine Injuries
Thoracic Contusions, Strains, and Sprains Thoracic Spinal Fractures and Apophysis Scheurmann’s Disease Spondylolisthesis

15 Lumbar Spine Injuries Lumbar Contusions, Strains, and Sprains
Low Back Pain Sciatica Lumbar Disc Injuries Lumbar Fractures and Dislocations

16 Sacrum and Coccyx Injuries
Sacroiliac Joint Sprain ASIS PSIS Sacrotuberous ligament Sacrospinous ligament Coccygodynia Direct blow to coccyx causing fracture or contusion to the area causing pain to the nerves.

17 Evaluation HOPS Active motion should not be performed when there is pain over the vertebrae or when there are motor or sensory deficits noted. Palpation- Warning signs should include temperature, swelling, point tenderness, deformity, crepitus, muscle spasm, and cutaneous sensation.

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