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Personality An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.

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1 Personality An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting

2 The Psychoanalytic Perspective -Sigmund freud’s theory proposed that childhood sexuality and unconscious motivations influence personality. -Free Association: Method of exploring the unconscious by relaxing and saying whatever comes to mind.

3 Freud’s personality structure -Three interacting systems: id, ego, superego. ● id: Unconscious psychic energy that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives. ●ego: Enforces the reality principle (Executive mediator) ● Superego: Strives for perfection judging actions (The conscience)

4 Freud’s psychosexual stages -Childhood stages of development, the id’s pleasure seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones.

5 The Humanistic Perspective Abraham Maslow’s self- actualizing person. -Proposed we are motivated by hierarchy of needs.

6 Humanistic Perspective -Carl Rogers’ Person Centered Perspective ●Unconditional positive regard: An attitude of total acceptance toward another person. ●Self Concept: All thoughts and feeling to ourselves, in answer to the question, “Who am i?”

7 Trait Perspective Personality can be described through trait analysis. ●Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) The most widely researched and clinically used personality test. ●The “Big Five” Personality factors: dimensions of personality that are used to describe human personality

8 Social-Cognitive Perspective Proposed by Albert Bandura, applies principles of learning, cognition, and social behavior to personality. ●Reciprocal Determinism: Personal cognitive factors combine with the environment to influence people’s behavior. ●Locus of control: External: chance or outside forces determine fate. Internal: One controls one’s own fate. ●Learned helplessness: Hopelessness and passive resignation when unable to avoid certain events.

9 Personality Tests -Empirically derived test: A test developed using the content, criteria, and validating procedures. -Thematic aperception test (TAT): Subjects are shown ambiguous pictures and interpret what they see, manifest content is revealed, latent content is discovered. -Rorschach inkblot test: Most widely used projective test, people interpret what they see in inkblots. -MMPI

10 Self Concept: Collectivistic vs Individualistic Cultures Individualism: Giving priority to one’s goals over group goals. Collectivism: Giving priority to the goals of one’s group. By their group identifications, collectivists gain a sence of belonging, values, caring, and assurance.

11 Key Contributors to Personality Alfred Adler: Neo-Freudian,Social childhood tensions are crucial for personality. Albert Bandura: Social-cognitive perspective Paul Costa: Big five personality factors Robert McCrae: Big five personality factors Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalytic theory Carl Jung: Collective unconscious Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of needs Carl Rogers: Humanistic, client-centered therapy

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