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Climate Change Marge: We wouldn’t be in this predicament if you’d have paid the heat bill. Homer: Well, I thought Global Warming would go faster. That.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change Marge: We wouldn’t be in this predicament if you’d have paid the heat bill. Homer: Well, I thought Global Warming would go faster. That."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change Marge: We wouldn’t be in this predicament if you’d have paid the heat bill. Homer: Well, I thought Global Warming would go faster. That Al Gore is never right about anything!

2 Climate Change Any significant change in climate measures lasting for an extended period. Any significant change in climate measures lasting for an extended period. Scientists do not agree on the cause of the warming trend. Scientists do not agree on the cause of the warming trend. As changes become greater, they will likely present challenges to our society. As changes become greater, they will likely present challenges to our society.

3 Global Warming Earth’s average surface temperature has increased 1.4°F in the last century. Earth’s average surface temperature has increased 1.4°F in the last century. Caused by an increase in greenhouse gases (CO 2, Methane, etc). Caused by an increase in greenhouse gases (CO 2, Methane, etc). Contributes to changes in global climate patterns. Contributes to changes in global climate patterns.

4 Human Caused Arguement Human factors in the debate include: Deforestation Deforestation Use of fossil fuels Use of fossil fuels Increases in livestock Increases in livestock Depletion of the ozone Depletion of the ozone Possible consequences involve: Ice caps partially melting leading to coastal flooding Ice caps partially melting leading to coastal flooding More extreme weather patterns like more frequent & stronger hurricanes. More extreme weather patterns like more frequent & stronger hurricanes.


6 Natural Variations Argument Climate change is a natural phenomenon & man's effect on nature is largely overrated. Climate change is a natural phenomenon & man's effect on nature is largely overrated. Changes in climate can occur through gradual changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun; possible cause of past ice ages. Changes in climate can occur through gradual changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun; possible cause of past ice ages. The Sun’s energy output can vary over time. The Sun’s energy output can vary over time. Volcanic eruptions & large meteorites can cool the planet by spewing out particles that reflect sunlight. Volcanic eruptions & large meteorites can cool the planet by spewing out particles that reflect sunlight.

7 El Niño Warming of the eastern Pacific Ocean occurring every 2-7 years. Warming of the eastern Pacific Ocean occurring every 2-7 years. Changes the normal pattern of ocean & wind currents. Changes the normal pattern of ocean & wind currents. Some areas experience warmer winters & drier weather resulting in droughts and wildfires. Some areas experience warmer winters & drier weather resulting in droughts and wildfires. In other areas, increased rainfall causes destructive flooding. In other areas, increased rainfall causes destructive flooding. Recent El Niño events have been very strong & have contributed to record-setting temperatures. Recent El Niño events have been very strong & have contributed to record-setting temperatures.

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