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The Mighty Mitochondria Sarah Muller. Illustrations

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1 The Mighty Mitochondria Sarah Muller

2 Illustrations

3 Functions Outer membrane - Encloses the entire organelle Inner membrane – Encloses a fluid-filled matrix Intermembrane space – The space between the outer membrane and the inner membrane Cristae – The shelf-like structures made up of the folded inner membrane Matrix – Contains enzymes that are responsible for the citric acid cycle. Also contains dissolved oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide Ribosomes - Have the same function in the mitochondria as they do everywhere else - to arrange the strands of the amino acids DNA - Contains 37 genes, convert energy from food into a form that other cells can use, this unique DNA is passed down through women, which is why most people are more like their mom in terms of how fit they are. Granules - Unknown composition and function ATP synthase particles - ATP synthesis, to form energy stration/mitochondria.html

4 General Functions of the Mighty Mitochondria - produce energy -provide ATP through respiration and to regulate a cellular metabolism -produce ATP, the mitochondria oxidizes major products like fructose, pyruvate, and NADH which are all produced in the cytosol. -This process is dependent on the presence of oxygen -If oxygen is not present, the glycolic products will be metabolized by anaerobic respiration -Involved in building, breaking down, and recycling products that are needed for the cell to be able to function properly (ex. The “building blocks” of DNA and RNA occur within the mitochondria -Makes estrogen (females) and testosterone (males) -Needed for cholesterol metabolism -The more “fit” you are, the more mitochondria you have. This explains why if your mom is very athletic, you are more likely to be athletic like her because the mitochondrial DNA is passed down through her genes.

5 Analogy Fuel Cell : Automobile :: Mitochondria: Cell A fuel cell is just like mitochondria because it creates energy in a hydrogen/electric powered automobile just like mitochondria create energy for the cell.

6 Works Cited Saneto, Russell P. "Functions of Mitochondria |" Epilepsy and Seizure Information for Patients and Health Professionals | Web. 03 Nov. 2011..

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