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EGEE 102 – Energy Conservation And Environmental Protection Non-Renewable Fuels Environmental Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "EGEE 102 – Energy Conservation And Environmental Protection Non-Renewable Fuels Environmental Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGEE 102 – Energy Conservation And Environmental Protection Non-Renewable Fuels Environmental Impact

2 EGEE 102-Pisupati2 US Energy Consumption by Source (1999) Renewables, 8% All Energy Sources 96.7 QUADS Renewables 7.2 QUADS

3 EGEE 102-Pisupati3 Non Renewable Fuels Coal Petroleum Natural Gas Nuclear Fission

4 EGEE 102-Pisupati4

5 5 World Coal Consumption World coal consumption is projected to increase from 5.3 billion tons in 1997 to 7.6 billion tons in 2020. US annual coal consumption is approximately 1 billion tons

6 EGEE 102-Pisupati6 Coal Reserves (M metric tons) Source: US – 275.5 World -1088.6

7 EGEE 102-Pisupati7 Coal Analyses Proximate Analysis Ultimate Analysis Calorific Value

8 EGEE 102-Pisupati8 Proximate Analysis Moisture Volatile Matter Ash Fixed Carbon (obtained by difference)

9 EGEE 102-Pisupati9 Ultimate Analysis (elemental composition) Carbon60 - 96% Hydrogen2 - 6% Nitrogen1-2% Sulfur0.5 - 5% Oxygen1 - 30%

10 EGEE 102-Pisupati10 Calorific Value (Heating Value) Heating or Calorific Value is the amount of heat released when a unit mass of fuel is burned (Btu/lb. or cal/g) Calorific value has implications for pollution measurements such as SO2 whose emissions are calculated on a lb per million Btu basis

11 EGEE 102-Pisupati11 Coal Ranks There are 4 general ranks for coals: Lignitelow rank Subbituminous Bituminous AnthraciteHigh rank

12 EGEE 102-Pisupati12 Reserves to Production Ratio (R/P Ratio) World 1173 G Tons / 4.33 G Tons/y = 271 Years USA 277 G Tons/0.99 G Tons/y = 280 Years Lifetime (of a resource) = Reserves Annual Use Note: Reserves are likely to increase as well as decrease, usage is also expected to change Coal’s Future

13 EGEE 102-Pisupati13

14 EGEE 102-Pisupati14

15 EGEE 102-Pisupati15 Petroleum Naturally occurring liquid containing a complex mixture of hydrocarbons (molecules made of C and H atoms) Also contains few compounds containing N, S, and O atoms

16 EGEE 102-Pisupati16 Petroleum Composition ElementRange (wt%) Carbon85-90% Hydrogen9-15% Nitrogen0-0.1% Sulfurppm- 4% Oxygenppm

17 EGEE 102-Pisupati17 Crude Oil Reserves (B bbls) Source: US – 21.8 World – 1,016

18 EGEE 102-Pisupati18 Production and Consumption (mn bbls/day) BP Amoco Statistical Review of World Energy 2000 ( World Production – 73 United States Production – 9.2 Consumption – 18.9

19 EGEE 102-Pisupati19

20 EGEE 102-Pisupati20 One Barrel of Oil (42 US gallons) produces … Gasoline (19.5 Gallons) Distillate Fuel Oil (9.2) Kerosene (4.1) Residual Fuel Oil (2.3) Lubricating Oil, Asphalt, Wax (2) Petrochemicals for plastics and polymers (2) Total Yield: 44.4 gallons

21 EGEE 102-Pisupati21 How long can we depend on Petroleum? World = 1016,000 million barrels/73 million bbls/day = 13,967 days= 38.1 years US = 21,800 million bbls/18.9 million bbls/day = 1,153 days or 3.16 years if we keep importing at the current rate = 21,800 million bbls/9.3 million bbls/day = 2,344 days or 6.4 years

22 EGEE 102-Pisupati22

23 EGEE 102-Pisupati23 Natural Gas WHAT IS IT? Principally methane, CH 4, with some ethane (C 2 H 6 ) and propane (C 3 H 8 ), and impurities such as CO 2, H 2 S, and N 2. CALORIFIC VALUE Approximately 1,000 Btu/cu.ft (22,500 Btu/lb)

24 EGEE 102-Pisupati24 Natural Gas Types WET- contains HC S other than Methane and ethane SOUR- contains H 2 S,which is highly undesirable due to corrosion, and SO 2 formation upon combustion.

25 EGEE 102-Pisupati25 Reserves (Trillion Cu. Ft) US - 167 T Cu. ft World - 5210 T cu. ft

26 EGEE 102-Pisupati26 US = 166 T. Cu. Ft / 21.7 T. Cu. Ft per year (1999) = 7.6 years World = 5240 T cu. Ft/84.2 T. Cu.ft per year =62 years How long can we depend on Natural Gas?

27 EGEE 102-Pisupati27 Utilization-Combustion Premium Fuel Highest calorific value of any fossil fuel (1,000 Btu/cu. ft. or 24,000 Btu/lb) No ash in the fuel - no mess Easy transportation and no storage space required Better combustion efficiency Less CO 2 emissions compared to oil and coal for the same heat release

28 EGEE 102-Pisupati28 Composition Heating Value Coal CH 0.8 13,000 Btu/lb Oil CH 2 20,000 Btu/lb Natural Gas CH 4 22,000 Btu/lb All also contain oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen etc. 1 gal of Petroleum = 10 lb of Coal = 150 cu.ft Gas Comparison of Fossil Fuels

29 EGEE 102-Pisupati29 Cost of Energy/MMBtu for oil Price of oil is usually given in $ / barrel If the price is $22/barrel One Barrel of oil has 5,800,000 Btu

30 EGEE 102-Pisupati30 Cost of Energy per MMBtu- Natural gas Usually price is given as $/1,000 Cu. Ft Say $7.44/1000Cu. Ft (PA) Energy Content 1,000 Btu/Cu. Ft

31 EGEE 102-Pisupati31 Cost of Energy- $/Million Btu Price is given in $/ton. Approximate average price is $33.26/ton in PA Calorific value = 13,000 Btu/lb or 20.77 million BTUs/ton

32 EGEE 102-Pisupati32 US Energy use and Environmental Consequences Fossil Fuels Combustion Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulfur Oxygen CO 2 CO SO 2 NO x Emissions Particulate Matter PM 10 PM 2.5 NH 3

33 EGEE 102-Pisupati33 US Air Emissions, Mtons (1999) GasEmissions Carbon Dioxide1,520 Carbon Monoxide97.4 Lead4.1 NO x 25.4 SO 2 18.8 Particulate Matter23.7

34 EGEE 102-Pisupati34

35 EGEE 102-Pisupati35 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

36 EGEE 102-Pisupati36 Nitrogen Oxides (NO x ) Nitrogen oxides, like hydrocarbons, are precursors to the formation of ground level ozone and thereby to photochemical smog Precursors to the formation of acid rain Long-term exposures to NO 2 may lead to increased susceptibility to respiratory infection and may cause permanent alterations in the lung.

37 EGEE 102-Pisupati37 Carbon Monoxide Product of incomplete combustion Reduces the flow of oxygen in the bloodstream Particularly dangerous to persons with heart disease.

38 EGEE 102-Pisupati38 Sulfur Dioxide High concentrations of SO 2 can result in temporary breathing impairment for asthmatic children and adults in conjunction with high levels of PM, include respiratory illness, alterations in the lungs’ defenses, and aggravation of existing cardiovascular disease. Together, SO 2 and NO x are the major precursors to acidic deposition (acid rain) major precursor to PM 2.5, which is a significant health concern

39 EGEE 102-Pisupati39 Particulate Matter Health effects Visibility impairment Atmospheric deposition Aesthetic damage

40 EGEE 102-Pisupati40 Additional Resources rain/ rain/ uphigh/ uphigh/ mog mog

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