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Santa Rosa District Schools Mentor Teacher Program October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Santa Rosa District Schools Mentor Teacher Program October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Santa Rosa District Schools Mentor Teacher Program October 2014

2 Welcome Activity Book Activity T-Chart Role of the Mentor Teacher is/is not Mentor Teacher Statistics Survey Data

3 Mentoring is relationship oriented. It seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentee shares whatever issues affect his or her professional and personal success. Although specific learning goals or competencies may be used as a basis for creating the relationship, its focus goes beyond these areas to include things, such as work/life balance, self-confidence, self- perception, and how the personal influences the professional.

4 Mentoring is always long term. Mentoring, to be successful, requires time in which both partners can learn about one another and build a climate of trust that creates an environment in which the mentee can feel secure in sharing the real issues that impact his or her success. Successful mentoring relationships last nine months to a year.

5 Mentoring is development driven. Its purpose is to develop the individual not only for the current job, but also for the future. This distinction differentiates the role of the immediate manager and that of the mentor. It also reduces the possibility of creating conflict between the employee's manager and the mentor.

6 Mentoring & Feedback Feedback 0.79 effect size—in the top 10 influences on achievement Increases effort, motivation and engagement Components of Feedback Where am I going? How am I going there? Where to next? Visible Learning, Hattie, 2012

7 Mentor Teachers One out of every five new teachers leaves the teaching profession after only three years. About 50% leave within the first five years. A helpful mentor significantly reduced the number who leave during the first year. (NCES and Staffing Survey, 2000)

8 Roles & Responsibilities Support New & Struggling Teachers Support Administration in the Teacher Evaluation Mentor to teachers on Professional Improvement Plans (optional)

9 Learning Goal Mentor Teachers will be able to effectively apply research-based strategies related to the Teacher Evaluation System and consistently provide coaching and feedback when working with mentees.

10 Teacher Evaluation Domains 1-4 Review of rubric & Resources Routine Events (is/is not using T Chart) Video/Coaching & Feedback (Bunning) Addressing Content (is/is not using T Chart) Video/Coaching & Feedback (Briggs) Enacted on the Spot (is/is not using T Chart) Video/Coaching & Feedback (Clark) Domain 2, 3, & 4 (is/is not using T Chart) Scenarios/Coaching & Feedback

11 Wrap it up! Mentor Teacher Roster Mentor Teacher Log Requested Training Guidelines Book Review Activity

12 Mentoring Matters! Mentor Teachers

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