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Recruiting Volunteers & Foster Parents for the Humane Society Lisa Copeland.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruiting Volunteers & Foster Parents for the Humane Society Lisa Copeland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruiting Volunteers & Foster Parents for the Humane Society Lisa Copeland

2 Mission “To rescue as many abandoned and unwanted animals as possible from a life of despair, starvation, disease, and suffering, and to provide them with temporary homes until permanent homes can be found” (HS handbook).

3 Goals “To provide all foster pets with the best pet care and medical care possible” “To thoroughly screen all potential adopters to ensure a good match between the pet and adopter” “To ensure that the adopter understands the lifelong commitment to the pet and agrees to provide a loving home where the pet will be considered a part of the family for the remainder of its life” (HS handbook).

4 Members Approximately 900 Volunteers 120, but only about 30 are active Foster Parents Very few – when people foster, many times they end up adopting the animal, therefore not being a foster parent any longer (* Couldn’t get the exact #)

5 Culture There are policies and procedures that must be followed The organization is also very friendly and welcoming to new people and ideas.

6 Publics to be Served Donor public Board, Staff, Members, Volunteers Local Animal Shelters Media public Animals

7 Competition “Competition for volunteer assistance is stiff, with the vast majority of volunteers donating their time to religious (43.4%), health care (18%), or educational (17.3%) organizations”. A survey conducted showed that only 4.8% of people who volunteered in 2000, gave their time to environmental and animal welfare organizations. (

8 S.W.O.T Strengths Respected board members and organization Weaknesses Shortage of “active” volunteers and fosters Opportunities Many animals in need of the organization’s services Threats Pet stores, backyard breeders, puppy mills, and other nonprofits who seek volunteers

9 Marketing & Campaign Strategies Inform school career offices about the organization and let them know that the organization is in need of volunteers, etc. (This can give the students work experience also) Post flyers at local vet offices and zoos Have a website; list volunteer opportunities Work with the media to inform public about the organization; post pictures of animals (pictures work better than just write- ups)

10 Reward those volunteers who recruit new volunteers Have parties and other events for members and volunteers “Recognize volunteers in speeches, media, meetings, etc” Give praise to make people glad they came and volunteered “Celebrate birthdays of committed volunteers”

11 “Provide food and refreshments after projects” “Never allow people to feel that you wasted their time or that they weren’t really needed” Have flexible volunteering schedules Ask people to volunteer – they will be more likely to do it if asked. (

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