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The Vietnam War Consequences of: 1955 to 1975. 30.5 Homework Check.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vietnam War Consequences of: 1955 to 1975. 30.5 Homework Check."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vietnam War Consequences of: 1955 to 1975

2 30.5 Homework Check

3 Negotiating to End Vietnam 1. Describe what the North Vietnamese and the United States wanted while negotiating the end of the war. United States and South Vietnam: 1. North vacates South Vietnam 2. Recognition of the South Vietnamese Government led by Nguyen Van Thieu North Vietnam and the Vietcong 1. American withdrawal from Vietnam 2. Coalition government with the inclusion of the National Liberation Front (VC) Paris Peace Accords 1973

4 Getting Out of Vietnam… 2. Describe Vietnamization and the Nixon Doctrine. Vietnamization Process of ending US involvement in Vietnam by training and expanding “South Vietnam’s… combat role, at the same time steadily reducing the number of U.S. combat troops" “Peace with Honor” Change of plans… Nixon wants to negotiate an end to the war, not just end American involvement. The Nixon Doctrine The United States would support and assist allies, but not bear the entire burden.

5 The Silent Majority 3. Who were the “silent majority” and what event in March, 1968, would further divide them? Silent Majority - U.S. citizens who supported President Nixon's policies but who were not politically vocal, outspoken, or active: considered by him to constitute a majority. March 16 th, 1968: The My Lai Massacre

6 Getting Out of Vietnam… 4. Which nation did President Nixon invade in 1970? How did college students react to this?

7 Getting Out of Vietnam… 5. T/F: The “hardhats” would agree with Hawks.

8 The Credibility Gap and Watergate 6. What were the Pentagon Papers? What term is used to define the loss of faith in the government during Vietnam? The Credibility Gap June, 1971 The Pentagon Papers

9 The Credibility Gap and Watergate The Election of 1972

10 The Credibility Gap and Watergate Watergate and the Fall of Nixon 1972-1973 "I am not a crook..."Nixon Leaving the White House The Watergate Scandal Explained

11 “Saigon has fallen…” 7. What happened on April 30 th, 1975? The Fall of Saigon - Report

12 The “Black Gash of Shame” 8. Why was the design for the Vietnam War Memorial criticized? The Vietnam War Memorial

13 The Killing Fields 9. What effect would the bombing campaign, waged by President Nixon, have on Cambodia in the long run? The Effects of the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot

14 Just Because… 10. Tim O’Brien served under Lieutenant…

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