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1 Cover slide

2 Anatomy of the Face Professor Emeritus Moira O’Brien
MOB TCD Anatomy of the Face Professor Emeritus Moira O’Brien FRCPI, FFSEM, FFSEM (UK), FTCD Trinity College Dublin

3 Face Sensory supply of face is trigeminal 5th cranial nerve C2
MOB TCD Sensory supply of face is trigeminal 5th cranial nerve C2 Motor supply Muscles of facial expression Facial nerve 7th cranial

4 Sensory Nerve Supply Trigeminal Ophthalmic Maxillary Mandibular
MOB TCD Trigeminal Ophthalmic Maxillary Mandibular Cervical plexus

5 Terminal Branches of 5th
MOB TCD Supraorbital Infraorbital damaged in blow out fracture of orbit Lateral Mental; dentures, fracture of mandible Trigeminal neuralgia

6 Sensory Trigeminal Nerve
MOB TCD Ophthalmic V Supraorbital Supratrochlear Maxillary V Infraorbital Zygomaticofacial Mandibular V Mental Buccal

7 Fractured Zygoma View from above shows depression Lateral X-ray view
MOB TCD View from above shows depression Lateral X-ray view should be done

8 Great Auricular C2 from cervical plexus Skin over angle of mandible
MOB TCD C2 from cervical plexus Skin over angle of mandible

9 Scalp Skin Subcutaneous Epicranial aponeurosis Three fused together
MOB TCD Skin Subcutaneous Epicranial aponeurosis Three fused together Loose areolar tissue Periosteum Occipito-frontalis Attached posteriorly No anterior attachment

10 Scalp MOB TCD Occipital portion of occipito-frontals and epicranial aponeurosis attached to bone posterior Frontal no bony attachment Scalp wounds cause black eyes Occipital belly Posterior auricular of facial nerve Frontal belly by temporal of facial nerve

11 Blood and Nerve Supply of Scalp
MOB TCD Supraorbital vessels and nerve Scalp as far as vertex Posterior scalp Greater occipital C2 Occipital and posterior auricular vessels Zygomatico temporal Greater auricular

12 Eyelid Skin Orbicularis oculi Palpebral portion
MOB TCD Skin Orbicularis oculi Palpebral portion Orbital septum and tarsal plates, mebonium glands Medial palpebral ligament anchors tarsal plates to anterior lacrimal crest Conjunctival sac

13 Levator Palpebrae Superiores
MOB TCD Arises from back of roof of orbit Inserted into skin of upper eyelid The superior tarsal plate Superior fornix of conjunctiva

14 Levator Palpebrae Superiores
MOB TCD Elevates upper eyelid Voluntary muscle supplied by 3rd oculomotor nerve Smooth muscle Sympathetic T1 Superior cervical ganglion

15 Lacrimal Apparatus Lacrimal gland Conjunctival sac Puncta Cananiculi
MOB TCD Lacrimal gland Conjunctival sac Puncta Cananiculi Nasolacrimal sac Nasolacrimal duct Inferior meatus nose

16 Horner's Syndrome Ptosis Drooping eyelid Meiosis Constricted pupil
MOB TCD Ptosis Drooping eyelid Meiosis Constricted pupil Anhydrosis Lack of sweating Enopthalmos

17 Muscles of Facial Expression
MOB TCD Muscles of second branchial arch Nerve second arch is facial nerve Inserted into skin of face Buccal pad of fat No deep fascia in face Except around parotid Parotid duct

18 Orbicularis Oculi Orbital closes eyelid tightly, buries eyelashes
MOB TCD Orbital closes eyelid tightly, buries eyelashes Makes conjunctival sac smaller Finer palpebral portion in eyelid Anterior to tarsal plate Closes eye in blinking and sleep No action on conjunctival sac

19 Muscles of Facial Expression
MOB TCD Occipito frontalis Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Buccinator Platysma Skin of face Incisions

20 Muscles of Facial Expression
MOB TCD Orbicularis oris Intrinsic: origin and insertion inside, only alters shape Extrinsic: origin outside, alters position

21 Muscles of Facial Expression
MOB TCD Incisions in the face evert edges Platysma Inserted into lower border of mandible Posterior fibres form risorius

22 Buccinator Buccinator 7th nerve Accessory muscle of mastication
MOB TCD Buccinator 7th nerve Accessory muscle of mastication Outer aspect of maxilla and mandible Related to molar teeth Pterygomandibular raphe Action keeps food out of vestibule Sucking Blowing trumpet

23 Facial Nerve Motor nerve to: Posterior auricular to occipital belly
MOB TCD Motor nerve to: Posterior auricular to occipital belly Posterior belly of digastric Enters parotid and divides into branches Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical

24 Facial Nerve Stroke Upper motor neurone of facial Forehead is spared
MOB TCD Stroke Upper motor neurone of facial Forehead is spared Can wrinkle forehead Bilaterally innervated All muscles of one side paralysed if it is a lower motor neurone e.g. Bell’s palsy

25 Bell’s Palsy Lower motor neurone of facial nerve
MOB TCD Lower motor neurone of facial nerve Forehead and all the muscles on the side of lesion are affected

26 Facial Palsy MOB TCD MOB TCD

27 Corneal Reflex MOB TCD Afferent (sensory) cilary branches nasocilary of ophthalmic of 5th Efferent (motor) Zygomatic branch of facial 7th Last reflex to go

28 Blood Supply and Pulses in Face
MOB TCD Internal carotid Supraorbital artery Branch of ophthalmic External carotid Superficial temporal artery Facial artery

29 Venous Drainage of Face
MOB TCD Supraorbital and anterior facial Communicate superior ophthalmic veins which drain into cavernous sinus Deep facial vein Superficial temporal Retromandibular Common facial

30 Emissary Veins Cavernous Sinus
MOB TCD Superior ophthalmic veins Anterior facial Deep facial Pterygoid plexus Danger area of face Parietal emissary veins from scalp to superior sagittal sinus

31 Lymph Glands Submental Submandibular Buccal and mandibular
MOB TCD Submental Submandibular Buccal and mandibular Preauricural Occipital

32 “BMJ Publishing Group Limited (“BMJ Group”) 2012. All rights reserved
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