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Pavlovian Conditioning: Basic Concepts

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1 Pavlovian Conditioning: Basic Concepts
Chapter 4

2 Did you know that: Pavlov viewed classical conditioning as a technique for studying the brain. Classical Conditioning is not limited to glandular and visceral responses The conditioned response is not always like the unconditoned response. Conditioned stimuli become part of the behavior system activated by the unconditioned stimulus. Pavlovain conditioning often involves S-S learning rather than S-R learning. Which stimulus can serve as a conditioned stimulus in conditioning dependson the unconditioned stimulus that is used Associative learning is possible in the random control procedure Pavlovian conditioning is involved in a wide range of behaviors including preferences and aversions, fears and phobias, drug tolerance and addiction, and maternal and sexual behavior

3 Pavlov’s Proverbial Bell
Unconditoned Stimulus (US) Unconditioned Response (UR) Conditioned Stimulus (CS) Conditioned Response (CR) Tone (CS) Food (US) Salivation (UR) CR

4 Pavlov’s Proverbial Bell
Some common misunderstandings about Pavlovian Conditioning Ivan Pavlov used a bell in his experiments to condition his dogs Classical conditioning primarily involves the modification of visceral and glandular responses A UR and a CR need to be the same What an animal learns in an Pavlovian Conditioning procedure is an association between S-R Control can be best achieved by random control procedure

5 Contemporary Pavlovian Conditioning Preparations
APETTITIVE CONDITIONING Appetitive conditioning preparations are used if the unconditioned stimulus is desirable or appetitive like food. Skinner box Autoshaping Sign Tracking Head jerking and rearing So, it is not all about visceral and glandualr responses

6 Contemporary Pavlovian Conditioning Preparations
AVERSIVE CONDITIONING Aversive conditioning preparations are used if the unconditioned stimulus is an unpleasant or aversive event Eye-blink conditioning Conditoned suppression Fear Conditioning Taste Aversion Fear and amygdala

7 The Nature of the Conditioned Response
Skeletal vs Glandular Conditioned Responses Sign tracking / Autoshaping Eye blink repsonse Freezing behavior head-jerk and rearing responses Similarity of Conditioned and Unconditoned Responses Jumping (UR) vs Freezing (CR) The Behavioral System Approach The conditoned response that develops depends on how the conditioned stimulus becomes incorporated into the behavior system activated by the US US represeantations

8 The Contents of Pavlovian Conditioning

9 Stimulus Factors in Classical Conditioning
ATTENTIONAL PROCESSES CS NOVELTY AND THE LATENT INHIBITION Phase I (CS Preexposure phase) Phase II Test Exp. CS-alone CS-US CS Cont X CS-US CS CS-US RELEVANCE AND SELECTIVE ASSOCIATIONS “Effectiveness of a CS depends on the US that is employed” Garcia Effect

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