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Formative Assessment in an Assessment System Assessments in the System (Adapted from Herman & Heritage, 2007) standards minute- by- minute daily weekly.

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2 Formative Assessment in an Assessment System

3 Assessments in the System (Adapted from Herman & Heritage, 2007) standards minute- by- minute daily weekly unit quarterly annually student Slide 1

4 Extended periods of instruction Long-term goals Sampling of learning Assessment Cycles Slide 2

5 Interim goals Progress monitoring What has been learned Assessment Cycles Slide 3

6 Short-term goals Inform immediate instruction Assessment Cycles Slide 4

7 No single way to collect evidence Students’ current learning status Close the gap Assessment Cycles Slide 5

8 Your Turn You will need Handout 1.2.1, a diagram of the assessment cycles. For each cycle, consider: 1.How do you assess learning in each cycle? 2.What kind of information results from each assessment opportunity? 3.How do you use that information? Slide 6

9 Assessment Cycles Slide 7

10 Annual State Assessments Interpretation What have students learned/have they met the standard? What are the strengths/weaknesses in individuals’ and groups’ learning? What are the strengths/weaknesses in curriculum, instruction, and programs? Assessment Cycles Slide 8

11 Assessment Cycles Slide 9 Annual State Assessments Action Adjustments to curriculum, instruction, programs Monitoring/accountability Reporting Inform professional development needs

12 Assessment Cycles Slide 10 Interim/benchmark Assessments Interpretation Who has and who hasn’t met the benchmark? What are the strengths/weaknesses in individuals’ and groups’ learning? Who are the students most in need? What are strengths/weaknesses in curriculum and instruction?

13 Assessment Cycles Slide 11 Interim/benchmark Assessments Action Adjustments to curriculum, instruction Targeted intervention for students who are weak in specific areas Reporting to administrators, parents and students

14 Assessment Cycles Slide 12 Minute-by-Minute Daily/Weekly Interpretation Identify the gap between current status and the desired learning goals Identify individual misconceptions/difficulties Identify missing building blocks

15 Assessment Cycles Slide 13 Formative Assessment Action What to do to move learning forward? Adjustments to ongoing instruction/learning Feedback

16 Try It Out The Triad Protocol provides a structure for discussing ideas and sharing information. Read through Handout 1.2.2. How do you collect short-cycle information to inform immediate teaching and learning? How is this information connected to other longer assessment cycles in the system? Slide 14


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