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Cooperating Teachers: How to Reset Your Password in Tk20 Use this after your initial account set up if you cannot remember your TK20 password.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperating Teachers: How to Reset Your Password in Tk20 Use this after your initial account set up if you cannot remember your TK20 password."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperating Teachers: How to Reset Your Password in Tk20 Use this after your initial account set up if you cannot remember your TK20 password

2 Click on the link directly under the Tk20 Login area

3 Type in the email address entered during your initial Tk20 set up NOTE—When you first logged in to Tk20, you were prompted to change your password, add an email address, and create a security question (this is case sensitive!). The email address you chose to input here is the email address where your password reset instructions will be sent in the future.

4 After you input your email address, you will be prompted to answer the security question you created Click the box that says Email My Password

5 A message will then appear above the Login area stating that your information has been emailed to you

6 You will receive this email

7 You will then be directed to the page below to change your password in Tk20 Fill in your information here and click save

8 SUCCESS! You have now changed your password and accessed your account!

9 Troubleshooting: IF you receive the following error message when inputting your email One of two things could cause this: 1.You logged in once when your account was set-up from the link that was sent to your email, but never went through the steps to create a password and input an email where password resets would be sent. 2.Your email that you input for password resets is incorrect or has changed

10 Troubleshooting: #1—If you never created a new password You can use the original credentials sent to you when your account was set up to login. The credentials looks something like this: Jsmith0000 Ct1234 After you input these credentials you will walk through the process of changing your password, setting a security question, and entering a password reset email address

11 Troubleshooting: #2—If your email address has changed or is incorrect in the system If you tried to input your original credentials and received an error message, your email address is probably incorrect in tk20. Please call us at (937) 775-2821 and we will help you reset your password.

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