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Gordon Clark Aviemore, 23 October 2007 European policy developments in lifelong guidance.

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1 Gordon Clark Aviemore, 23 October 2007 European policy developments in lifelong guidance

2 2  Support national reforms within «Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs»  Policy framework: « Education and Training 2010 work programme » - Common objectives and targets - National LLL strategies - Peer Learning - Monitoring and reporting - Common references and tools (EQF, Europass, ECTS)  Lifelong learning programme 2007-2013 EU Policy Cooperation in Education & Training

3 3 LLL Communication 2001 LLG Council Resolution 2004 LLG expert group 2002-06 Projects bringing together guidance systems in 12 countries,,,,2004-06 Career guidance handbook 2004 Finnish conference Nov 2006 European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) May,,,2007 French conference 2008 EU Policy Development LLL + LLG

4 4 Strengthen policies, systems and practice High- quality lifelong guidance for learning and work pathways Better quality assurance for services, information and products Effective cooperation to widen access and ensure coherence of provision Strengthened structures involving all key players 2004 Council Resolution

5 5 Report from Finnish conference on lifelong guidance, Nov 2006  Much achieved in Member States in improving access and quality of guidance systems.  Significant gaps remain in provision and deficits in quality.  Momentum of national developments should be sustained by improved cooperation at EU level.  Ensuring active engagement of all countries.

6 6 Suggested actions within Member States  National guidance fora to support policy development  Embrace all dimensions and sectors of guidance (schools, VET, HE, public employment, community- based services)  Nature, tasks and structures of fora will vary considerably depending on country  Active involvement of policy-makers essential

7 7 Suggested actions at EU level  Work of national guidance fora could be strengthened by a European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN)  Network should aim to improve lifelong guidance provision for all European citizens by promoting development of policy and practice

8 Euroguidance Network PES Network FEDORA & IAEVG European Stakeholders Peer Learning Activities LLP Projects Research ICCDPP OECD - Expert Group - Joint Actions - Conferences every 2 years New Lifelong Guidance Network of National representative structures (e.g. national guidance fora) Building on outcomes of : Suggested Wider Lifelong Guidance Policy Community during the Finnish EU-presidency lifelong guidance policy conference Jyväskylä, November 6-7, 2006

9 9 Co-operation with other structures  Network and national fora linked to other relevant European networks and initiatives. –Euroguidance network. –Public Employment Services (PES) network. –Professional networks, e.g. IAEVG, FEDORA. –Other international organisations, bodies (e.g. the OECD) –Other relevant stakeholder networks (e.g. social partners, parents).

10 10 Long Term Objectives of ELGPN  Support for policy development  Policy sharing  Information gathering  Policy analysis and research  Use of reference tools  Exploiting project outcomes  Strengthening representative structures

11 11 Peer-learning under the network Design of a lifelong guidance system Data collection to strengthen evidence,base,,,,and quality assurance Policies for specific groups (e.g. young people,,,,at risk, persons with disabilities, migrants) Gender issues in guidance New methods, especially ICT in guidance Training and qualifications for,practitioners

12 12  Network management and coordination (Finland)  Support for national policy development and implementation  Strengthening national representative structures  Synergy between EU funded projects on lifelong guidance  Support for evidence-based policy and practice  Monitoring and evaluation  Dissemination and exploitation ELGPN work themes 2007-08

13 13 Future conferences (biennial)  All EU guidance-related networks and initiatives  Review national progress  Representation of key bodies within country teams  Country reports in advance

14 14  Guidance as top priority and crucial to multiple challenges - social cohesion and early school leavers - transition to labour market and skills acquisition  Major conference on guidance including: - access to HE, partnerships between schools and businesses, initial training and adult learning French Presidency of EU (2008)

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