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The University of Oklahoma - Exchange Email MS Outlook 2000.

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1 The University of Oklahoma - Exchange Email MS Outlook 2000

2 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? To setup your Outlook for Exchange email: -Go to Control Panel -Double-click on Mail Note: Before you can setup your Outlook for exchange email, it has to be configured for Corporate or Workgroup. To check the current status, go to Help>About. If it is set to Internet-Mail only, see notes below on how to change it to Corporate/Workgroup.

3 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? Double-clicking on Mail icon brings this window. This window shows the currently used profile and it’s properties. To setup a new profile, click on “Show Profiles” button.

4 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? This window shows all the profiles currently setup in Outlook. To add a new profile, click on Add.

5 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? Click on “Manually configure information services” and press NEXT.

6 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? Type in a name for the new Profile and press NEXT. In this case, the new account Name is “testaccount”.

7 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? After a profile name is created, this window will come up and show the services setup for this profile. To setup exchange mail, click on Add.

8 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? Click on “Microsoft Exchange Server” and press OK.

9 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? To setup the exchange server, type in “mail1”, “mail3”, “mail4”, or “” for the exchange server address. For Mailbox, type in the username. Click on “Check Name”.

10 How to setup an exchange email in Outlook? Clicking on “Check Name” validates the username by connecting to the Exchange server. If the username is wrong, username will not be resolved. If the username is right, the username changes to actual account name, and Exchange server is automatically changed to the correct exchange server. Click on Apply>OK. Press OK and Finish on the next two windows to complete the setup.

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