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Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Presentation by:

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Presentation by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Presentation by: Dr. Scott Kunkel Associate Professor University of San Diego

2 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Personality and Character Ethics Personality Ethic (post WWI) –Personality, public image, attitudes & behaviors, skills and techniques, quick fixes Character Ethic (pre WWI) –Integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, the Golden Rule –Not just “What do I want?” but “Why do I want it?”

3 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego The Power of a Paradigm Shift What is a paradigm? What is a paradigm shift? My paradigm shift -- caring vs. enabling Near-death experiences frequently cause people to experience a paradigm shift. Not all paradigm shifts are instantaneous -- some happen gradually over time.

4 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Will the left side of the room please stand and face the back of the room I will show the right side of the room a picture for ten seconds and ask you to remember what you saw

5 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego

6 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Will the right side of the room please stand and face the back of the room I will show the left side of the room a picture for ten seconds and ask you to remember what you saw

7 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego

8 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Will both sides of the room please sit back down I will show you a picture for ten seconds and ask you to describe what you saw

9 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego

10 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego What did you see?

11 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego

12 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego The Seven Habits Knowledge (what to, why to) Desire (want to) Skills (how to) Habits

13 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Private Victories The First Three Habits

14 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Habit # 1 Be Proactive

15 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Freedom to Choose StimulusResponse Independent Will ConscienceImagination Self- Awarness

16 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Circle of Concern Circle of Influence

17 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Circle of Concern Circle of Influence

18 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Habit # 2 Begin with the End in Mind

19 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Alternative “Centers” Spouse centered Family centered Money centered Possession centered Pleasure centered Friend/Enemy centered Church centered Self centered Principle Centered Write a Personal Mission Statement

20 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Habit # 3 Put First Things First

21 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Time Management Matrix Not Important Important UrgentNot Urgent I II III IV Activities: Crises Pressing Problems Deadline Driven Projects Activities: Interruptions, some calls Some mail, some reports Some meetings Proximate, pressing matters Popular activities Activities: Prevention, PC activities Relationship building Recognizing new opportunities Planning, recreation Activities: Trivia, busy work Some mail Some phone calls Time wasters Pleasant activities

22 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Public Victories The Second Three Habits

23 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Habit # 4 Think Win/Win

24 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Six Paradigms of Human Interaction Win Win/lose Lose/Win Lose/Lose Win/Win Win/Win or No Deal

25 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Habit # 5 Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

26 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Habit # 6 Synergize

27 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Renewal The Seventh Habit

28 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Habit # 7 Sharpen the Saw

29 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Physical Exercise, Nutrition Stress Management Social/Emotional Service, Empathy Synergy, Intrinsic Security Mental Reading, Visualizing Planning, Writing Spiritual Value Clarification & Commitment, Study & Meditation

30 Dr. Scott W. Kunkel University of San Diego Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Presentation by: Dr. Scott Kunkel Associate Professor University of San Diego

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