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ULRs at Community Lives Consortium Past, Present and Future.

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Presentation on theme: "ULRs at Community Lives Consortium Past, Present and Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 ULRs at Community Lives Consortium Past, Present and Future

2 Past

3 Taster sessions Adult Learners Week May 2011 Taking Control January 2012 British Sign Language Employability Maths Taster Funding though ROTL (Reaching Out to Learners) Counselling Psychology DACE- Swansea University NIACE Dysgu Cymru- Swansea Learning Festival

4 Adult Learners Week May 2012 Funding through Connecting Learners British Sign Language


6 Present Learning Loans Maths Taster

7 Learning Loan Identified as Barrier by ULRs Proposed to and agreed by Consortium Process- Application Panel Agreement Repayment- interest-free for 12months from salary Current applications Support from ULRs Current development towards purchasing refurbished laptops/computers for adult learners

8 Learning Loans Have you ever wanted to explore a new skill? Or take up studying again? Would you appreciate some help funding the course? Community Lives Consortium staff are now able to apply for Learning Loans. CLC will pay your course fees, you will repay these fees back monthly, and the best bit, it is all INTEREST FREE!!! Applications will also be looked at for a loan to buy a computer or laptop too! For more information speak to your Union Learning Rep U L Roberts on 07788 665544

9 Maths taster

10 Entry Level 1 Recognise and select coins and notes

11 Entry Level 2 Make amounts of money up to £1 in different ways using 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p and 50p coins

12 Entry Level 3 Add and subtract sums of money using decimal notation £2.20 £0.97 £0.87 + £4.04

13 Level 1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide sums of money and record. Council-tax bill for the year:. The total for the 9 payments of £184 is: £1,656.00 Adding this to the first payment he gets: £1,656.00 + £182.77 = £1,838.77 This is the total shown on the bill so it's correct at £1,838.77. First instalment due: £182.77 9 further payments due: £184.00

14 Level 2 Calculate with sums of money and convert between currencies. £100.00 x 1.2440 = 124.40 EURO 1 GBP = 1.2440 EUR 20 EURO ÷ 1.2440 = £16.08

15 Future

16 Learning Survey Aims Incentives Sample provided

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