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Environmental Health & Safety presents FY 2011 Michael E. Davis, MS, CSP, ARM Safety Manager, Fire & Life Safety Program Environmental Health & Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Health & Safety presents FY 2011 Michael E. Davis, MS, CSP, ARM Safety Manager, Fire & Life Safety Program Environmental Health & Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Health & Safety presents FY 2011 Michael E. Davis, MS, CSP, ARM Safety Manager, Fire & Life Safety Program Environmental Health & Safety

2  Know your role as an ASL volunteer  Understand emergency procedures & the emergency evacuation program  Provide awareness of emergency communications avenues  Review injury reporting procedures & data  Environmental management system review

3  Facilitate evacuation during an emergency  Assist with emergency evacuations and drills  Help account for evacuated personnel  Manage emergency evacuation assistance for individuals in your area  Report identified safety hazards to Facilities and EHS  Report security concerns to UTPD

4  Fire alarm will sound automatically if:  Smoke detector senses smoke  Heat activates a sprinkler  Pull station activated  Call 911 in the event of an emergency  Call UTPD for security concerns and non-emergency situations  UTPD Dispatch: (713) 792-2890  MSB Guard desk: x500-5895  UCT Guard desk: x500-3646  SRB Guard desk: x500-2492

5  When the building goes into alarm:  Alarm will sound and strobes will flash, accompanied by a standard recorded message  Facilities, UTPD, the Houston Fire Department, and EHS are notified & will respond as quickly as possible  The alarm will continue to sound while the alarm is investigated  If there is a need to evacuate:  Assist with evacuation & account for your area personnel  Assemble 75 feet from the building in departmental designated safe location

6  Grab your ASL bag  Direct area personnel  In a high rise: Go to the nearest exit stairwell and await further instruction.  In a low rise: Go to your group’s emergency evacuation point outside the building  Close all area doors  Follow instructions from fire alarm system  Rejoin your group & help account for personnel If you see smoke, fire, or feel threatened EVACUATE

7  If the fire alarm is triggered by an event, the alarm will sound on the:  floor immediately above the event  affected floor  floor immediately below the event  Why?  Fire separation exists between floors and avoid simultaneous evacuation of all floors into stairwells 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

8  Emergency Evacuation Assistance Program  Application form on EHS ASL website  ASL’s role  Identify occupants needing assistance  Ensure fire department is notified of individual’s location for assistance during evacuation  During an evacuation, these people should:  Enter the exit stairwell and close the door  Wait for firefighters  Stairwells provide 2 hours of fire protection  Firemen will immediately seek out people who requested assistance as listed in fire depository box or as notified  Firemen will escort them to safety via elevator or with Evacutrac chair

9  Can you identify the hazard in the pictures below?


11  Hazards you may find in your area:  Wet floors  Electrical cords across walkways  Blocked exit doors  Hallways congested with equipment  Stairwell doors that don’t close and latch  If you spot an unsafe situation, contact Facilities (500-3498) or EH&S (500-8100) for resolution

12  At home, work, and play, know 2 ways to safety  Especially at large gatherings  The way you came in may not be the best way out  Have an escape plan  Practice it  Revise it periodically

13  Click on a building name for a list of AED locations in that building  Click on the location listed to view a floor plan with the AED location highlighted  AED Locations are now listed online through the EH&S Webpage at:

14  AED training is available free to Employees through Employee Health Services  To sign up to attend AED/CPR training class, contact Cindy Crosson at  713-500-3254 or   Classes are held approximately twice each month and are usually scheduled for Tuesday or Thursday mornings  Details on how to sign up are included on the ASL webpage

15  ASL website -  EHS website -  Useful Phone Numbers:  Facilities, Planning & Engineering – (713) 500-3498  EHS Department - (713) 500-8100  UTPD Dispatch - (713) 792-2890  Emergencies - 911

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