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Developmental Psychology Exam 3 Review. Intelligence The original IQ formula based on Binet’s test.

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1 Developmental Psychology Exam 3 Review

2 Intelligence The original IQ formula based on Binet’s test

3 Intelligence Describe Vygotsky’s ZPD

4 Intelligence How many verbal scales are found on a WISC-III ?

5 Intelligence How many performance scales are on a WAIS-R ?

6 Intelligence What is the mean and standard deviation for a WPPSI-III ?

7 Intelligence A child who is mentally retarded has low adaptive functioning and an IQ that is at least ___ standard deviations below the mean.

8 Intelligence The majority of mentally retarded persons fall in the ___________ category.

9 Intelligence For a child to be considered “gifted” he/she must have an IQ of at least ______.

10 Intelligence Describe the difference between mental retardation and a learning disorder.

11 Special Needs Three characteristics of ADHD include: 1) Inattention 2) Hyperactivity 3) ?

12 Reading skills What is the major strength of the “Hooked on Phonics” approach to reading ?

13 Reading Skills What is the major weakness of the “Hooked on Phonics” approach to reading ?

14 Peer Status A child that is the either loved or hated would be considered ____________.

15 Moral Reasoning Researcher who identified 3 levels of moral reasoning based on responses to moral dilemmas.

16 Moral Reasoning The realization that there is some good and bad in many decisions we must make, would put me in Kohlberg’s ____________ level of moral reasoning.

17 Moral Reasoning According to Kohlberg, a preschoolers morality is most likely base on what ?

18 Self-esteem Describe the difference between self-esteem and self-efficacy.

19 Self-esteem Describe a way to increase a child’s self- esteem.

20 School Drop-Outs What is the most important factor that keeps a kid (who is considering dropping out) in school.

21 Puberty Technically defined

22 Puberty Secular trend in the U.S. and other industrialized countries.

23 Puberty Describe the double-standard pertaining to boys and girls who begin puberty earlier than their cohorts.

24 Eating Disorders Describe the psychological difference between anorexia and bulimia.

25 Eating Disorders A strong positive correlation exist between eating disorders and ____________,

26 Identity A potential problem with foreclosure ?

27 Identity Term from Erikson and James Marcia that indicates an exploration period.

28 Identity/Acculturation Most psychologically healthy form of acculturation.

29 Piaget Formal Operations is defined by the presence of __________.

30 Piaget Describe how Piaget tested for the presence of abstract thought.

31 Antisocial Teens Define Juvenile Delinquency

32 Antisocial Teens Describe a physiological difference between aggressive and non-aggressive kids.

33 Antisocial Teens Describe the relationship between violent tv- viewing and aggressive behavior in kids.

34 Antisocial Teens Most effective treatment for aggressive teens

35 Substance Use Define abuse

36 Substance Use Define Addiction

37 Substance Use Next to cigarettes, most popular “drug of choice” for young kids

38 Daily Double Two factors linked with the negative aspects of teens with jobs.

39 Daily Double 2 of the 3 typical patterns of behavior for a sexually-abused child

40 Bonus Name this album

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