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Discuss types of interactive public-relations activities (e.g., press conferences, speaking engagements, special events, sponsorships, blogs, web forums,

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2 Discuss types of interactive public-relations activities (e.g., press conferences, speaking engagements, special events, sponsorships, blogs, web forums, chat rooms, social media, media tours, email).

3  Explain types of one-way public-relations activities (e.g., search-engine optimization, newsletters, web sites, RSS feeds, podcasts, press releases, press kits, audio/video releases, matte releases, direct mail).

4  Describe ways that interactive tools can be used to develop positive public relations. › Interactive public relations (PR) has two key components:  Using the power of the web to go beyond traditional media; and  Using PR to establish and participate in a direct dialog with customers and prospects. › Optimize press release content for search engines, promote social bookmarking links

5  Discuss ways that one-way tools can be used to develop positive public relations. › Tweets, Podcasts, websites, RSS Feeds used to send out or post news releases  Explain the use of public relations for crisis management. › Clearly explain what happened, get customers and the public to believe in your company

6 Describe trends in public relations activities.  Use of social media to spread the word › Writing blogs - a way to have an active discussion with a motivated audience › Linking with other popular sites

7  Discuss reasons that public-relations specialists appeal to their company’s employees. › Employees also have social circles and spheres of influence  Explain why public-relations specialists target communications to their customers. › To influence perception and future buying behavior

8  Describe reasons that public-relations specialists target their communications activities at their community. › To address current and potential customers › Build public image

9  Discuss reasons that public-relations specialists target their communications activities at the company’s vendors. › Keep them informed and excited about the company  e.Explain why public-relations specialists target their investors with communications activities. › Keep them informed and excited about the company

10  Describe reasons that public-relations specialists target the larger business community or industry members with their communications activities. › Gets the word out and other people talking about your company – sphere of influence  Identify topics appropriate for each of a company’s audiences. › New products, expansion, changes to the business and personnel

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