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October 20, 2012 1. 2 Beyond Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers: Social Media for B2B.

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Presentation on theme: "October 20, 2012 1. 2 Beyond Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers: Social Media for B2B."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 20, 2012 1

2 2 Beyond Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers: Social Media for B2B

3 October 20, 2012 3 Additional Information Source notes for graphics and content quoted throughout this presentation, plus additional references and resources. Download the full presentation and accompanying resource guide at

4 October 20, 2012 4

5 5 Developing a social media program What do you want to accomplish? Who do you need to reach? What do you have to share? What platforms will you concentrate on? Tailor communications – To the audience – To the platform Monitor, learn and adjust

6 October 20, 2012 6 What do you want to accomplish? Differentiate your company Generate new business Communicate regularly with customers to increase business retention and word-of-mouth referrals Attract new talent Retain current employees

7 October 20, 2012 7 How will you measure success? New business inquiries or RFP opportunities Year-over-year business retention Applications from qualified candidates Year-over-year employee retention Awareness and visibility within existing or new market segments

8 October 20, 2012 8 What’s out there now? What you say about your company – Your website – Press releases & press mentions – Your social media profiles and content – Professional affiliations – Job postings What others say about your company – Client recommendations, referrals or complaints – Employer review sites – Other mentions on social media – News stories

9 October 20, 2012 9

10 10 Who do you need to reach? Known prospects New prospects Existing customers Prospective employees Current employees

11 October 20, 2012 11 How many platforms?

12 October 20, 2012 12 How many platforms? What platforms do your target audiences use?

13 October 20, 2012 13

14 October 20, 2012 14

15 October 20, 2012 15

16 October 20, 2012 16 What platforms do your target audiences use? ~90 BOMA-related groups on LinkedIn, 7 on Facebook ~135 IFMA-related groups (plus 13 specialty subgroups operated by IFMA), 13 related groups on Facebook 76 IREM-related groups on LinkedIn, 2 on Facebook Dedicated forums (, Groups & individual users on Twitter

17 October 20, 2012 17 Forrester Research’s Social Technographics data classifies consumers into seven overlapping levels of social technology participation.

18 October 20, 2012 18

19 October 20, 2012 19 How many platforms? What platforms do your target audiences use? What activities support your goals? – Publish – Educate – Announce —Discuss —Connect —Share

20 October 20, 2012 20 How many platforms? Can one platform support multiple activities/goals? Publish Educate Announce Discuss Connect Share Blog Enewsletter* Whitepaper Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Slideshare YouTube

21 October 20, 2012 21 How many platforms? Can one platform support multiple activities/goals? Publish Educate Announce Discuss Connect Share Blog Enewsletter* Whitepaper Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Slideshare YouTube

22 October 20, 2012 22 How many platforms? Can one platform support multiple activities/goals? Publish Educate Announce Discuss Connect Share Blog Enewsletter* Whitepaper Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Slideshare YouTube

23 October 20, 2012 23 How many platforms? Can one platform support multiple activities/goals? Publish Educate Announce Discuss Connect Share Blog Enewsletter Whitepaper Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Slideshare YouTube

24 October 20, 2012 24 How many platforms? Can one platform support multiple activities/goals? Publish Educate Announce Discuss Connect Share Blog Enewsletter* Whitepaper Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Slideshare YouTube

25 October 20, 2012 25 How many platforms? Can one platform support multiple activities/goals? Publish Educate Announce Discuss Connect Share Blog Enewsletter* Whitepaper Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Slideshare YouTube

26 October 20, 2012 26 How many platforms? What platforms do your target audiences use? What activities support your goals? – Publish – Educate – Announce Do you have the resources to support multiple platforms? – Content to share – words, pictures, videos – Time and staff/volunteers to share it —Discuss —Connect —Share

27 October 20, 2012 27 Social media content strategies Develop or repurpose your own original content Gather relevant content from other sources and add your own insights Contribute to conversations on established platforms

28 October 20, 2012 28

29 October 20, 2012 29 Content sources Company news Employee achievements Community involvement Client achievements Client challenges Trends impacting your industry Trends impacting your clients’ industries Seasonal topics Discussions on established forums (including BSCAI’s LinkedIn group) Conferences and industry events like this one Trade publications Current events

30 October 20, 2012 30 The best social media platform is the one you’ll actually use.

31 October 20, 2012 31 Spontaneity takes planning How often will you publish/blog/update/post/tweet? How long will it take to research and find/develop content? When will you schedule time for these activities? What will you talk about for the next 3-6 months? Will you share social media responsibilities with others? If so, what are your expectations for their participation? How will you promote your social media channels? How/when will you monitor and maintain your social media channels? How/when will you monitor and participate on other social media channels?

32 October 20, 2012 32 One piece of content, multiple touchpoints One blog post per week – Can encourage comments via Facebook – Can fuel a LinkedIn discussion – Can be promoted via Twitter – Can be added to your email signature – Can be referenced in discussions on other forums Four blog posts per month – Can be recapped into an enewsletter – Can be emailed individually to prospects or customers Archived blog posts by topic – Can be fodder for a new list-style blog post – Can be tied into relevant sections of your site using RSS feeds – Can allow users to subscribe to RSS feeds by topic

33 October 20, 2012 33

34 October 20, 2012 34 Tailor communications to the audience AND the platform Message Content type Frequency Timing

35 October 20, 2012 35 Monitor, learn and adjust What drives engagement on each platform?

36 October 20, 2012 36

37 October 20, 2012 37

38 October 20, 2012 38 Monitor, learn and adjust What drives engagement on each platform? How do social media efforts impact visitor behaviors on your website? What drives action and moves you closer to your goals? – New business inquiries or RFP opportunities – Year-over-year business retention – Applications from qualified candidates – Awareness and visibility within existing or new market segments

39 October 20, 2012 39

40 October 20, 2012 40 Monitor, learn and adjust What drives engagement on each platform? How do social media efforts impact visitor behaviors on your website? What drives action and moves you closer to your goals? – New business inquiries or RFP opportunities – Year-over-year business retention – Applications from qualified candidates – Awareness and visibility within existing or new market segments What can you learn from others?

41 October 20, 2012 41

42 October 20, 2012 42 Questions?

43 October 20, 2012 43 Thank You! Pam Long Digital Strategist True Digital Communications

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