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Presentation on theme: "GOAL SETTING FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and Parents/Guardian."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a goal? There are 2 types of goals, short and long A Short term goal refers to a goal that can be realized in a shorter period of time such as a day, week or month. These would be goals such as: improving test scores, write better study notes, read more books, participate in something that’s important to you. A Long term goal refers to a goal that requires a longer period of time (greater than a couple of months) to achieve. These would be goals such as: becoming fitter, saving money, develop better friendships.

3 Sample goals Short Term I will finish my work on time I will follow directions I will start on time I will remain positive I will use my indoor voice Long Term I will increase my grade from C to A I will have a 3.0 grade point average at the end of the school year I will get a job working 2 days a week I will get into college, 2 year or 4 year school

4 Questions to answer when creating a goal or goals (Who, what, when, where why and how goals) What is a good goal or goals for you? Why is this a good goal for you? When will you begin working on the goal and when will you achieve it? Where will you start? Are there changes that you need to implement? How will you reach your goal? What is in place for any obstacles you might encounter? Who will help you? Where will you start Are there changes that you need to implement? Who will help you? How will you reach your goal What is in place for any obstacles?

5 S.M.A.R.T. Goals Instructions When it comes to setting goals, a useful acronym to remember is S.M.A.R.T. SMART goals stands for: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time sensitive

6 S.M.A.R.T. Goals Specific. When setting goals, they should answer the highly specific questions of who, what, where, when, and why. Instead of the general goal, "I want to get into shape," try for a specific goal, "I want to run my first half-marathon this year." Measurable. In order for us to track our progress, goals should be quantifiable. "I'm going to walk more" is far more difficult to track and measure than "Everyday I'm going to walk around the track 16 times." Attainable. It is important to evaluate your situation honestly and recognize which goals are realistic, and which are a little far-fetched. Instead of, "I am going to be this nation's Mother Teresa," (while admirable) it might be more realistic to say, "I am going to volunteer four nights a week at my local soup kitchen." Relevant. Is this goal relevant to your life and to the "big picture" questions you have already asked yourself? Some good questions to ask yourself when figuring this out are: does it seem worthwhile? Is now the right time for this? Does this match my needs? Time-related. Setting a "due date" to meet goals not only keeps you on track, but it prevents pesky daily roadblocks from getting in the way. Instead of saying "I'm going to get my college degree", you might consider saying, "I'm going to get my B.A. in 4 years." [1] [1] (Source

7 Great worksheets to help write the S.M.A.R.T Goals wCategory=Y&links=1&id=312&link1=312

8 Good example of goal setting story

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