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Scientific Classification of Plants

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1 Scientific Classification of Plants

2 Taxonomy The science of classifying and identifying plants
Scientific names are used because the same common name is used for different plants in different areas of the world.

3 Karl von Linne Swedish botanist that developed the binomial system of naming plants using two Latin words to indicate the genus and species. Linne changed his name to the Latin name Carolus Linneaus.

4 Scientific Names Latin is the language used for scientific classification. The first word is the genus and the second word is the species. If there are additional words, they indicate a variety or cultivar. Example: Acer palmatum Japanese Maple

5 Genus vs. Species Plants in the same genus have similar characteristics. Plants in the same species consistently produce plants of the same type.

6 Scientific Classification
The broadest category of scientific classification is the Kingdom--either plant or animal. The broadest category in the plant kingdom is division or phylum.

7 Divisions The four most important divisions of the plant (Plantae) kingdom are: Thallophites: algae, fungi, and lichens Bryophytes: mosses Pteridophytes: ferns Spermatophytes: Seed bearing or flowering plants

8 Thallophytes

9 Bryophytes

10 Pteriophytes

11 Spermatophytes Contains flowering or seed-bearing plants
Two subdivisions are: Gymnosperms: Seeds are not in an ovary they are in a cone. Angiosperms: Seeds are enclosed in an ovary (fruit), therefore flowering plants

12 Gymnosperms

13 Angiosperms

14 Angiosperms

15 Common Plant Genus Pinus-Pine Acer-Maple Ilex-Holly Ficus-fig
Cornus-dogwood Rhododendron-rhododendron Quercus-oak

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