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Odds and Ends Today = Last day for SWA 7 submissions 11:59 PM Study, Study, Study Cult of Domesticity Activity due Now Quest.

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Presentation on theme: "Odds and Ends Today = Last day for SWA 7 submissions 11:59 PM Study, Study, Study Cult of Domesticity Activity due Now Quest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Odds and Ends Today = Last day for SWA 7 submissions 11:59 PM Study, Study, Study Cult of Domesticity Activity due Now Quest

2 Economic Concepts… Interstate Commerce- Trade between states What is a Monopoly? Monopoly- the exclusive ownership or control of the supply or trade of a particular good or service.

3 Nationalism In American Politics Get into Groups of 4-6 One rep- get the 2 packets Divide groups into half Parts 1-3 in order Teach your event to the other half Other half explains your cartoons

4 Wrap it Up- Discussion Questions Monroe Doctrine- what purposes did it serve and how do they relate to nationalism? Gibbon v Ogden- some historians claim that this case did more to pull the American people into a nation than any other event in the country's history except war. Why might they argue this?

5 Opening Activity Continue working on your cartoons. 5 minutes

6 Opening Activity One-Sided Bocce Weeks 9 & 10 1.In what ways was the LA Purchase a departure from Jefferson’s political ideals? 2.List 3 of the 5 causes of the War of 1812 3.What were the 3 theaters of War of 1812? How did US do in each? 4.What is difference between Patriotism and Nationalism? 5.How did Eli Whitney contribute to sectionalism in North and South?

7 Odds and Ends Study, Study, Study Quest Questions from Study Guide?

8 Nationalism Continued Nationalism- loyalty and devotion to a nation state and to cultural, linguistic, heritage background of one’s nation. Must it be aggressive expansionist? Nationalism is when concerns of the nation take priority over regional or foreign concerns. Patriotism involves pride, Nationalism involves deliberate action Contrast w/ sectionalism? *Awkward 1820 Flag *OCD Anyone?

9 Monrovians: Make This Slide! In as few words as possible, what did M.D. Say to Europe? Does it M.D. reflect American reaction from Treaty of Paris or did it go against it? Why? What might this mean for future US-Latin America relationship?

10 Gib-Ogdenians, Your Turn… Ultimate significance of case? Relation to expanded Nationalism definition: Why might sectionalists be concerned? What does this mean for powers of the state?

11 Nationalism and Expansion Manifest Destiny 1.US’ social, political, economic and religious institutions and ideologies are virtuous 2.US has a responsibility to make the world more US-like a)Actively- expanding our influence b)Passively- foreigners will recognize our awesomeness 3.God wills America to control from Atlantic to Pacific a)2 nd Great Awakening






17 Florida One of the 1 st instances of Manifest Destiny in action- First Seminole War. Seminole War Chief Abraham Seminoles Anger Americans by… Harboring runaway slaves Stirring up problems in GA Supporting Brits in 1812

18 1 st Seminole War Fighting takes place in FL. Problem: who owns FL? US- Lets send in Commander who is a celebrity and will stir up all kinds of controversy and pick a bunch of unrelated fights… Today? Heck 1818

19 Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 Jackson (knowingly or otherwise) picked good time to fight Spain-on way out. Weakening Spain Fear of Future US attacks Exchange of Land Favoring US –FL, Oregon Territory


21 Tomorrow Look at “Ol’ Hickory”/”Sharp Knife” democracy, populism

22 Bocce 1.In what ways was the LA Purchase a departure from Jefferson’s political ideals? 2.List 3 of the 5 causes of the War of 1812 3.What were the 3 theaters of War of 1812? How did US do in each? 4.What is difference between Patriotism and Nationalism? 5.How did Eli Whitney contribute to sectionalism in North and South?

23 Opening Activity 5 Round Blackjack Week 11 1.What system of labor do each of the following use: cottage industry & workshop? 2.Give 2 reasons industrialization occurred in North, not South? 3.What are 4 arguments S. used to justify slavery? 4.How did the Transportation Revolution open up the land W. of Appalachian Mountains? 5.What did it mean for a slave to go downriver? Why was this a such a bad thing?

24 Odds and Ends Study, Study, Study (25-30 minutes tonight) Quest Questions from Study Guide?

25 Democratization of American Politics Without being critical, what class would you consider to be the most “democratic?” The least? Democracy- government based on popular sovereignty Democratization- the process by which a country becomes more democratic over time

26 Founding Fathers on Democracy Originally in America, how much faith was there in the common man? Consider the ‘machinery’ founding fathers left us with: We do not directly vote for President We do not vote for Supreme Court Justices Our ideas are represented Today, Like back then, it took a good deal of $ to run for office Not even all white men can vote (determined by states) How democratic did founding fathers want America to be?

27 Voting Restrictions Based on states 13 original states had Property ownership restrictions (until 1850) Some had religious restrictions, usually against Catholics, Jews (until 1810) Deference- humble submission to social betters (political decision making) Where do we see deference in society today?

28 Slow Decline of Property Restrictions In pairs or triads, consider things we discussed this unit and devise some theories as to why property restrictions started to decline. Urbanization- successful ppl need not own property Nationalism- we are all American Sectionalism- we need to bond together to ensure our interests are represented

29 Democratization’s Catalyst Someone of the people Jackson’s wife Rachel’s birthplace^ Compare to Monticello, Jefferson’s estate

30 Someone Tough…

31 Someone relatable

32 1824 Election The Problem… Hint, When do presidential candidates stop caring about election results and give concession speech? Electoral VotePopular vote J.Q. Adams84115,696 Andrew Jackson99152,933 Henry Clay3747,136 William Crawford4146,979

33 The Solution(ish)… No majority who decides election? Think election of 1800 (36 times) House of Reps Who dislikes Jackson Elite, many House, especially in North and South…one important Kentuckian in House… Henry Clay You voted Jackson in ‘24, how do you feel? Clay’s nod called Corrupt Bargain by Jackson & Co.

34 We need to find a scheme to keep the power In the hands of the chosen few

35 If my dad was President Then I should get to be President too.

36 I'll make you President If you make me Secretary of State.

37 If we steal the election Then Jackson will surely cave

38 You can be President if you don't Try to take away my slaves.

39 You'll get Missouri 'Cause I know how to play real politik. (already happened- MO Compromise 1820)

40 The people are stupid.

41 They can all go rot.

42 They're lame.

43 They suck!

44 Jackson's a total...

45 These guys (Clay, Adams) are idiots But it's Jackson who's a real threat

46 I'm the President!

47 Round 1 Winner! (1824)

48 Don’t Call it a Comeback- Election of 1828 Increase in Enfranchisement 1824- 350,000 white males vote for president 1828- Nearly 1 million white males vote for president In 1828, these new voters help Jackson win presidency. Nasty election, much mudslinging. Took toll on Rachel

49 Democratic Populist President Populism- political belief where there is an appeal to common man (through rapport, fear, sympathy etc.) for political support/approval without or against the desires of the elite Jackson considered himself a champion of the common man… Born one… but…

50 Major plantation owner… Tomorrow, continue with Jackson: good, bad & ugly

51 For Today…

52 Odds and Ends Study, Study, Study (much as you need) Quest Questions from Study Guide? Reading Quiz Thursday 11/13

53 Mini Hoops Once question is on board, answer ASAP First group with correct answer wins round. Sentences NOT required Abbreviations ok, but must be clear Questions answered fully and 100% accurate Select two people in your group to shoot. 2 pt line, 3 pt line Scores Matter 2 Ways… 1.Points for your team – team winner (food prize) 2.Points against D/Lozano (1 pt on quest for your class)

54 Setup Get into Groups 9:00 A-E 10:00 By House 11:00 By House Determine who texts the fastest in your group. On above person’s phone, do the following: Start a message to 623-552-5277 Text ONLY @ushistnm in that message Once welcome message received, name your group A-E (9:00) or your House (10 & 11)

55 Question 1 Name 4 arguments the South used to justify slavery 1.Too dangerous to end it- uprisings 2.Historical argument- existed throughout history 3.US legal history- existence upheld by courts 4.Biblical argument- existed in Bible 5.Best thing for the slaves (they are not capable of taking care of themselves) 6.Plantations are one big happy family

56 Question 2 What are the two major immigrant groups that come to America? Where does each migrate? 1.Irish, mostly to cities in NE 2.Germans, in the west; developing cities, farmland

57 Question 3 1.What are 3 issues were caused by urbanization in early to mid 1800s? 1.Social Stratification 2.No zoning laws 3.Sanitation issues 4.Disease 5.Vermin

58 Question 4 1.Name an extremely socially stratified society. Name a society that attempts to avoid social stratification entirely. 1.Caste system in India, Medieval Europe, Russia pre-1917 & others 2.Soviet Russia, early Christian communities, utopian experimental communities in the 60s

59 Question 5 Define globalization. Give two examples of globalization. Globalization: interconnectedness to the world-process of building an interconnected world. Internet, International space station, social media, WHO, United Nations, International credit, World Bank (arguably) and others

60 Question 6 1.What social/economic factors is Romanticism a response to in America (at least 3)? 1.Growth of industry 2.Urbanization 3.Social Stratification 4.American West 5.Democratization

61 Question 8 Which of the following would be examples of infrastructure Train tracks, canals, steamboats, roads, Coke Zero All but steamboats and Coke Zero

62 Question 9 Define Federalism. Name an example of federalism from Unit 3 and describe how it is an example. 1.Gibbons v Ogden 2.MO Compromise 3.LA Purchase

63 Question 10 Name an example of Nationalism in American politics from Unit 3. Describe how it relates to Nationalism. Seminole War- expansion, Monroe Doctrine- Actively telling Europe to keep out & “peeing” on Latin America to mar territory, LA Purchase- expansion & others

64 Question 11 Name 2 of the 3 big congressmen or political triumvirs of American politics from reading packet. What region do they represent? Daniel Webster- Northeast John Calhoun- South Henry Clay- West

65 Question 12 Give an example of Populism in American politics, in the 1800s or more recently. Describe how it is an example. Answers are variable

66 Question 13 List the division of labor in each of the following systems: cottage industry, workshop Cottage industry Master craftsman Journeyman Apprentice(s) Workshop Shop Owner Foreman Unskilled Laborers

67 Question 14 How does a factory differ from a workshop? It has automated machinery

68 Question 15 What is the cult of domesticity?

69 Question 16 What is the name of the movement that sought to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol? Temperance Movement

70 Question 17 Describe how one of the following relates to a reduction in the restriction of voting rights based on property ownership: urbanization, industrialization, sectionalism. Urbanization- less land to purchase and it became more expensive, ideas floated around more readily Industrialization- foremen and shop managers became a middle class, educated and capable, but often renters Sectionalism- a desire to ensure the sections views were adequately represented and to get more people involved in sectional concerns

71 Question 18 How did Enlightenment show up in both visual and literary arts in the late 18 th century (1700s)? What movement contrasted with this that emerged in the 1800s? Rationalism- lit, Neoclassicism-art: Romanticism

72 Question 19 What are 2 of the three components of Manifest Destiny? 1.US’ social, political, economic and religious institutions and ideologies are virtuous 2.US has a responsibility to make the world more US-like a)Actively- expanding our influence b)Passively- foreigners will recognize our awesomeness 3.God wills America to control from Atlantic to Pacific a)2 nd Great Awakening

73 Question 20 How does chattel slavery differ from slavery in the 18 th century? Slaves treated 100% like property and 0% as humans

74 Opening Activity 1.What are the two major immigrant groups that come to America? Where does each migrate? Why? 2.What social/economic factors is Romanticism a response to in America (at least 3)? 3.What issues were caused by urbanization? 4.Give an example of a society that is extremely socially stratified. Give an example of one that attempts to avoid social stratification. 5. What is globalization? What are two examples?

75 Mini Hoops Wordwall Edition 1.What system of labor do each of the following use: cottage industry & workshop? 2.Give 2 reasons industrialization occurred in North, not South? 3.What are 4 arguments S. used to justify slavery? 4.How did the Transportation Revolution open up the land W. of Appalachian Mountains? 5.What did it mean for a slave to go downriver? Why was this a such a bad thing?

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