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A New National Identity

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1 A New National Identity
Chapter 9 A New National Identity

2 Disputes with Great Britain
Border between Canada and the United States Great Lakes Both countries wanted fishing rights and their navies Compromise: Rush-Bagot Agreement Convention of 1818: set the border at 49° N latitude all the way west to the Rocky Mts.

3 Disputes with Spain Argued over the border with Spanish Florida
Newly elected President, James Monroe: Sent his Secretary of State John Quincy Adams to negotiate with the Spanish Sent General Andrew Jackson to secure the border

4 First Seminole War Seminole Indians raided American towns
Assisted runaway slaves Jackson invades Spanish held Florida Captures most of the Spanish forts Overthrows the governor of Florida Was never authorized by President Monroe

5 Adam-Onis Treaty Jackson’s “invasion” convinced Spain to negotiate
The United States receives Florida in exchange for giving up its claims to Texas

6 Spanish Colonies Spanish colonies rebel
Men like Simon Bolivar “the Liberator” lead struggles for independence These revolutions were similar to that of the 13 colonies and had a lot of public support from U.S. citizens As Mexico (and others) became independent Monroe and Adams feared European interests in Latin America During a speech Secretary of State John Quincy Adams implies U.S. support of the newly independent countries He does however say that the United States would not fight their battles. Great Britain was also concerned about European interference in Latin America Why?

7 Monroe Doctrine Issued by President Monroe on December 2, 1823
Four Points: The United States would not interfere in the affairs of European Nations The United States would recognize, and not interfere with, European colonies that already existed in North and South America The Western Hemisphere was to be off-limits to future colonization by any foreign power The United States would consider any European power’s attempt to colonize or interfere with Nations in the Western Hemisphere to be a Hostile Act

8 Effects and Consequences of the Monroe Doctrine

9 Growing Nationalism What is nationalism? Henry Clay:
Feelings of pride and loyalty to a nation Strongly supported by men like Henry Clay Henry Clay: Representative from Kentucky Developed the American System

10 Infrastructure Roads: Canals: Dirt roads
How does this make travel dificult? Government begins to create roads. What gives Congress this power The Cumberland Road will eventually stretch from Cumberland, Maryland all the way to Illinois Nations first “highways” Canals: Purpose? Erie Canal from Albany to Buffalo Connected the Great Lakes with the east coast (NYC in particular)

11 Era of Good Feelings A time of peace, pride, and progress Peace:
Peace with England  growing friendship based on trade Peace with Spain  to busy fighting aginst its rebellious colonies Peace with France  devastated by the Napoleonic Wars Pride: Fought off the British during the War of 1812 The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the nation Acquired Florida from Spain Progress: Creation of roads and canals Economy is booming  trade with Europe has increased due to large scale devastation as a result of the Napoleonic Wars Large immigration from Europe provides the U.S. with a surplus of labor

12 Federal Government Gains more power as a result of two Supreme Court Cases McCulloch vs. Maryland: 1819 Court determined that Congress did have implied power. From Where? In particular the power to create a national bank Gibbons vs. Ogden: Court determined that States could not interfere with the regulation of interstate commerce by Congress?

13 Growing Sectionalism Sectionalism: disagreements between different regions North vs. South Free vs. Slave Missouri applies to join the Union as a slave state Disrupted the balance between slave and free states 11 free states vs. 11 slave states Adding Missouri tips the balance in Congress. How?

14 Missouri Compromise

15 Missouri Compromise Settled the conflict Passed in 1820
Three main conditions: Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state. Maine would join the Union as a free states Slavery is prohibited in any new territories north of 36°30’ latitude, this would also be Missouri’s southern border

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