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The Enlightenment 17-18 th century movement that challenged traditional authority. The colonists as well as many others challenged the divine right of.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment 17-18 th century movement that challenged traditional authority. The colonists as well as many others challenged the divine right of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment 17-18 th century movement that challenged traditional authority. The colonists as well as many others challenged the divine right of kings, aristocracy, and religious authority

2 John Locke Enlightenment Philosopher who believed in natural rights (Life, Liberty, and property). His ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence.

3 Baron de Montesquieu Enlightenment Philosopher who believed in separation of powers Three Branches in our government so that no individual or group would have too much power.

4 First Great Awakening Religious Revival that spread throughout the colonies George Whitefield and Jon Edwards Question authority of the church and the government.

5 William Penn Set up Pennsylvania for Quakers Had some religious tolerance Many were against slavery (Baptists as well)

6 Baptists Expanded after 1 st Great Awakening Anti-slavery (along with Quakers) Large African American community.

7 Maryland/Catholics, and discrimination Maryland founded as a safe haven for Catholics Latin American immigrants have substantially raised the population of Catholics. Suffered discrimination along with Jews and Mormons. The group that had the least persecution was protestants

8 Religious Freedom Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson’s1786 Virginia Statute for religious freedom formalizes the separation of Church and State

9 Articles of Confederation Our first government in 1781 Weak No power to tax Needed unanimous consent to change constitution Did not regulate interstate trade

10 Bill of Rights 1st Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution Added to protect personal liberties and freedoms. Some were afraid that a strong central gov. would be too much like a king or dictator. The_Bill_of_Rights.asf The_Bill_of_Rights.asf

11 1 st Amendment/Establishment Clause The establishment clause in the 1 st amendment prohibits (stops) the government from establishing a state religion.

12 The Great Compromise Virginia plan Representation for states based on population New Jersey Plan Representation based on each state being equal These two plans created a two House legislature (congress) composed of the Senate and House of Representatives


14 3/5 th Compromise 5 slaves would count as 3 citizens in regards to representation.

15 John Marshall and Marbury vs. Madison John Marshall the supreme Court Chief Justice (1803) who solidified the power of the Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of state and federal laws. He increased the power of the court. Chief_Justice_John_Marshall.asf

16 Marbury vs. Madison This Case (1803) established the principle of Judicial Review. The Supreme court can rule on the constitutionality of a law The_Principle_of_Judicial_Revie w.asf

17 The First political parties differed on interpretation of the constitution Federalists Loose interpretation of the constitution Government run by elite Hamilton Democratic-Republicans Strict interpretation Protect common man Jefferson

18 Checks and Balances 3 branches/ no one has too much power

19 Causes of Revolutionary War “No taxation without Representation” (Sugar act, Intolerable acts etc…) Proclamation line of 1763 limits colonial migration west. King seen as Tyrant (Common Sense- Thomas Paine).

20 Loyalists vs. Patriot Loyalists supported the English Patriots supported the revolution

21 Treaty of Paris 1789 Gives U.S. independence from England Thank you France for the assist!!!

22 Theory of Nullification Because states had created a federal union they had the right to nullify a federal law. Referred to as “States rights” Slavery issue Who should have more Power? Think about our first constitution

23 Monroe Doctrine 1823 European countries stay out of the Americas or else!

24 Federalism Powers are shared between the federal government and the states (taxes) Federal government is supreme!!

25 Second Great Awakening Temperance (no alcohol Seneca Falls movement calls for women's rights Education/abolition …

26 Causes of the Civil War States Rights vs. federal Government Bleeding Kansas Dred Scott Case The_Dred_Scott_Decision.asf Uncle Tom’s Cabin Lincoln elected Slavery and the Southern Economy

27 Effects of Civil War No Slavery Reconstruction Amendments Poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses Divided Country Southern Economy devastated Most casualties in our History Disenfranchisement of African Americans


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