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Related Anatomy Unit 6 Central NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. Name the 2 DIVISIONS of the Nervous System CENTRAL brain and spinal cord PERIPHERAL all nerves outside.

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Presentation on theme: "Related Anatomy Unit 6 Central NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. Name the 2 DIVISIONS of the Nervous System CENTRAL brain and spinal cord PERIPHERAL all nerves outside."— Presentation transcript:


2 Related Anatomy Unit 6 Central NERVOUS SYSTEM

3 1. Name the 2 DIVISIONS of the Nervous System CENTRAL brain and spinal cord PERIPHERAL all nerves outside brain and spinal cord 2 branches Somatic- nerves that serve skeletal system and sense organs Autonomic- serve smooth muscles and heart

4 2. Terms Nerve- bundle of axons wrapped in connective tissue Ganglion- cell bodies grouped together outside brain or spinal cord Tract- pathway for axons Nuclei- mass of cell bodies ( ganglion)

5 The 3 parts of a neuron Dendrite- conduct impulse toward cell body Axon- conduct impulse away from cell body Cell body motor sensory

6 3. 4 Basic Processes of the Nervous System Reception- stimuli Transmission- Sensory input- from area to brain Afferent Integration- sums up input to allow brain to make decision Motor output- efferent- cause response

7 3 TYPES of NEURONS Sensory- afferent Motor- efferent Interneuron- in CNS (brain and spinal cord)

8 4. 7 Divisions of the Brain Brain stem Medulala Oblongata- regulate heartbeat, breathing, BP Pons- bridge between Cerebellum and CNS Midbrain- vision, hearing, touch Cerebellum- movement Hypothalmus- hunger, sleep, thirst Thalmus- all sensory except smell Cerebrum- largest, conscious thought

9 LOBES of BRAIN FRONTAL- motor (FM) TEMPORAL- speech and hearing (EAR) PARIETAL- sensory (PS) OCCIPITAL- visual ( eyes in back of head)

10 Misc Brain INFO Right side of brain controls left side of body Right side of brain- art, music, imagination Left side of brain- logic, math, science Brain stem is the size of your thumb

11 5. Spinal Cord Functions Reflex Transmission Tube protected by vertebrae and CSF (clear)

12 CNS Protection Spinal cord Vertebrae CSF Brain Bones of Skull CSF Menninges (grey matter)

13 10. Vocab Efferent- motor Afferent- sensory Ganglia- mass of nerve cells outside CNS

14 Vocab Continued White Matter- covered in Myelin Grey Matter- no Myelin Meninges- protective covering of brain and spinal cord. Disease- Meningitis CSF- cerebrospinal fluid, clear CNS- central nervous system

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