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The Meditators Wendy Bell Jamie Gering Mike Lee Wendy Louie Allison Wolgat.

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Presentation on theme: "The Meditators Wendy Bell Jamie Gering Mike Lee Wendy Louie Allison Wolgat."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Meditators Wendy Bell Jamie Gering Mike Lee Wendy Louie Allison Wolgat

2 Wendy Bell What is religion? Etymology -L. religionem -L. religare Relationship with the divine Individual's place in the universe

3 Wendy Bell Variations in Religion Spirituality vs. Religion Atheism, Monotheism, and Polytheism Orthopraxy vs. Orthodoxy

4 The Purpose of Religion Enable as well as regulate communities of people Explore inner and outer worlds Regulate human behavior Provide the intellectual framework Jamie Gering

5 Pluralism: An Understandable Point of View Life Structure Spiritual Understanding Multiple Truths Wendy Louie

6 Relativism vs. Pluralism Allison Wolgat

7 Relativism Differs from monism—only one set of values is true “my values are mine, yours are yours, and if we clash, too bad, neither of us can claim to be right” "I like my coffee with milk and you like it without; I am in favor of kindness and you prefer concentration camps" Allison Wolgat Alison Wolgat

8 Pluralism Overall humanity “Multiple values are objective” Toleration & Liberal consequences Monism= pluralism’s enemy Many answers to one question Allison Wolgat

9 Pluralism vs Monism Definition Pluralism -Multiple opinion and beliefs can exist at the and be tolerated and understood by each other. Monism - Everything in this universe can be described by only one concept. Every matter and thoughts are rooted from the same ultimate principle. Only one truth.

10 Pluralism vs Monism Examples Pluralism - America : most diverse religious country Yoga, salsa dancing, Chinese calligraphy - Lebanon: 18 different religious communities living side by side Monism - Nazi - Hinduism (Advaita Vedanta) Everything is an illusion except Brahman - Ex. Trees, flowers, sun, etc. -Greek Philosophy Being & Non-Being Denied senses

11 Quiz 1. Of the following, which are necessary for an ideology to be considered a religion: a. A private belief b. a God-like figure c. Practices that unite a group of people d. Spiritual dogma that offers rewards in the afterlife 2. True or False: One of the main purposes of religion is to enable as well as regulate communities of people?

12 Quiz contd 3. TRUE OR FALSE: The enemy of Pluralism is Relativism. 4. What is the definition of Monism? 5.Which expression best represents pluralism? relativism? monism? A. My values are mine, yours are yours, and if we clash, too bad, neither of us can claim to be right B. My values are right and yours are wrong C. Values are objective and multiple values hold truth

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