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S.p.i.e.s SPIRITUAL. Learning Goals O I can name the 5 elements of the human person. (Spiritual) O I can identify and use prayer in my life appropriately.(Spiritual)

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Presentation on theme: "S.p.i.e.s SPIRITUAL. Learning Goals O I can name the 5 elements of the human person. (Spiritual) O I can identify and use prayer in my life appropriately.(Spiritual)"— Presentation transcript:

1 s.p.i.e.s SPIRITUAL

2 Learning Goals O I can name the 5 elements of the human person. (Spiritual) O I can identify and use prayer in my life appropriately.(Spiritual) O I understand how our actions are a requirement for living out our faith. (Spiritual)

3 O The Christian call is not only to believe in God, but also to enter into a personal, loving and faithful relationship with him.

4 Read “What Do I Really Believe?” on page 52 in Be With Me and discuss.

5 O We can get to know Jesus through studying him as a historical person and feeling his presence in our lives. O Jesus said that whenever two or three were gathered in his name, he would be with them. Therefore, worship is a very good way of getting to know God. O Jesus is present physically in the community in the Eucharist. O Jesus is present in our relationships when we act justly, kindly and compassionately.

6 O What about uncertainty? O Read “Believing What Can’t Be Proved” on page 54. O Summarize the uncertainty principle and why we can’t prove the existence of God scientifically. O How can we come to an understanding of God through what we see in the universe?

7 O Read your copy of the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed and put it in your notes. O Notice the differences between the two. O Notice the similarities.

8 O In your notes, write a creed, telling what you believe about God. O A creed is a statement of beliefs, from the Latin, credo, or “I believe”. O Re-copy your creed onto good copy paper. O Decorate your creed appropriately (Christian symbolism). O It will be marked (C) based on neatness and language/ editing, and (KU) for use of symbolism. As well, it will be marked based on your understanding of the Catholic interpretation of God and belief (A/MC).

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