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Colorado Plateau - Geography Arizona Geography GCU 221.

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1 Colorado Plateau - Geography Arizona Geography GCU 221

2 Northwestern Colorado Plateau: Landforms: Grand Canyon goodies Humans: Route 66 and Kingman Northern Colorado Plateau: Landforms: San Francisco volcanic field, and more GC Humans: Flagstaff and Williams Northeastern Colorado Plateau: Landforms: Monument Valley and Grand Falls Humans : Navajo, Hopi (covered earlier) Colorado Plateau - Geography


4 Northwestern Colorado Plateau

5 Landforms - Western Grand Canyon Hurricane Fault – most active in Arizona Vulcan’s Throne – Volcanism and lava dams in the Grand Canyon, 3 Ma to the present Paleo-channels - that came from the Mogollon Highlands Havasu Falls – continuous deposition of calcium carbonate in the water causes agradation and eventually waterfalls. Surprise Canyon Landslide – Largest in Arizona

6 Humans Route 66 – Established 1926

7 Humans Kingman, AZ founded in 1882 History Founded part of an early railroad, Beale’s Springs Andy Devine - Actor Mojave County Seat and big Hospital

8 Northern Colorado Plateau

9 Landforms – Northern Colorado Plateau San Francisco Volcanic Field – An active volcanic field responsible for the Peaks, SP Crater, Sunset Crater, from 6 million years to present. Grand Falls – 150,000 years ago, a lava flow from Merriam Crater poured into the Little Colorado River, damming and re-directing the river to flow around, forming the water fall.

10 Humans Flagstaff, AZ founded in 1876 History Ponderosa Flag Pole Lowell Observatory Coconino County Seat, Northern Arizona University, biggest hospital on the Colorado Plateau

11 Humans Williams, AZ founded in 1876 History Originally a big lumber town Route 66 stop Bypassed by I-40 and saved by the Grand Canyon Railway

12 Northeastern Colorado Plateau

13 Humans Navajo and Hopi

14 Landforms – Northeastern Colorado Plateau Monument Valley – Retreat of a layered rocks as scarps, at different rates and different resistance, generate the cool buttes. Marble Canyon Reconstruction – Moenkopi / Shinarump Scarp retreat, and drainage reconstruction






20 Things to know: Help: Ask Dr. Douglass Northwestern Colorado Plateau: Landforms: Grand Canyon goodies Humans: Route 66 and Kingman Northern Colorado Plateau: Landforms: San Francisco volcanic field, and more GC Humans: Flagstaff and Williams Northeastern Colorado Plateau: Landforms: Monument Valley and Grand Falls Humans : Navajo, Hopi (covered earlier)

21 Transition Zone - Geography Arizona Geography GCU 221

22 Western Transition Zone: Landforms: Big Sandy River Highway 93 Vegetation: Joshua Trees Highway 93 Humans: Bagdad and Bullhead City Central Transition Zone: Landforms: Agua Fria N.M. and Fossil Creek Humans: Strawberry and Arcosanti Eastern Transition Zone: Landforms: Black River and Big Lake Humans : Alpine and Morenci Transition Zone- Geography

23 Things to know: Western Transition Zone: Landforms: Big Sandy River Highway 93 Vegetation: Joshua Trees Highway 93 Humans: Bagdad and Bullhead City Central Transition Zone: Landforms: Agua Fria N.M. and Fossil Creek Humans: Strawberry and Arcosanti Eastern Transition Zone: Landforms: Black River and Big Lake Humans : Alpine and Morenci

24 Basin and Range- Geography Arizona Geography GCU 221

25 Western Basin and Range: Landforms: Pinacate and Kofa Mountains Humans: Yuma and Lake Havasu Central Basin and Range: Landforms: Organ Pipe and Eagle Tail Mountains Humans: Ajo and Gila Bend (Butterfield Trail) Eastern Basin and Range: Landforms: Chiricahua and Catalina Mountains Humans : Bisbee and Sierra Vista Basin and Range - Geography

26 Western Basin and Range: Landforms: Pinacate and Kofa Mountains Humans: Yuma and Lake Havasu Central Basin and Range: Landforms: Organ Pipe and Eagle Tail Mountains Humans: Ajo and Gila Bend (Butterfield Trail) Eastern Basin and Range: Landforms: Chiricahua and Catalina Mountains Humans : Bisbee and Sierra Vista Basin and Range - Geography

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