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Purple pen of progress. 1.Explain key words or beliefs e.g. Big Bang, Evolution, Creation. 2.Respond to questions, ideas, arguments, comments in your book.

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Presentation on theme: "Purple pen of progress. 1.Explain key words or beliefs e.g. Big Bang, Evolution, Creation. 2.Respond to questions, ideas, arguments, comments in your book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purple pen of progress. 1.Explain key words or beliefs e.g. Big Bang, Evolution, Creation. 2.Respond to questions, ideas, arguments, comments in your book. 3.Add more beliefs from the power point. Beliefs expressed. 1. God created everything, everything did not happen by chance. 2. Everything was created as God wanted it to be. 3. God created by command. 4. God created the earth in a short period of time. 5. The earth was a formless void. God did not create from nothing. 6. Everything was good, originally created perfect. 7. The garden of Eden was handed over for humans to look after.

2 CW. The Big Bang Theory. Date. Starter. Copy. 12 billion years ago, there was nothing - no space, no time. Suddenly a mass of energy, smaller than an atom, came from nothing. This fireball of incredible heat, expanded to the size of a grapefruit and then to the size of the universe. All : Know the Big Bang theory. Most : Be able to give two reasons to support an opinion whether or not God created life on earth. Some: Be able to give three reasons to support an opinion whether or not God created life on earth. Homework. Find out and learn the meaning of each of these words. Creation, Evolution, Stewardship. 0 marks Unsupported opinion or no relevant evaluation. 1 mark Opinion supported by simple reason. 2 marks Opinion supported by one developed reason or two simple reasons. 3 marks Opinion supported by one well developed reason or several simple reasons.

3 The Big Bang Theory. 12 billion years ago, there was nothing - no space, no time. Suddenly a mass of energy, smaller than an atom, came from nothing. This fireball of incredible heat, expanded to the size of a grapefruit and then to the size of the universe. Pure energy converted into anti- matter. They began to wipe each other out, but because there was more matter than anti- matter, matter won, and the universe that we know began. The same atoms created 12 billion years ago, are still with us today. 3mins45 40 secs

4 0 marks Unsupported opinion or no relevant evaluation. 1 mark Opinion supported by simple reason. 2 marks Opinion supported by one developed reason or two simple reasons. 3 marks Opinion supported by one well developed reason or several simple reasons. Creation stories say God created the earth, e.g. Genesis 1 shared by Christians, Jews and Muslims. Earth would not have just come about by accident. Nothing doesn’t become something without a reason, the first cause argument, something has to have started caused everything, domino effect. See design in nature, things designed for a purpose, designs have a designer. However It could have been an accident, came about by chance. Most creation stories are just myths, is there a god? if god created the world who created god, evolution, big bang theory. “God created life on earth.” What do you think? Give reasons to support your opinion. (3 marks) See example of What do you think question. Agree? What started the Big Bang? God made the universe through the Big Bang? Big Bang answers HOW, A God explains how and WHY. The Big Bang is only a theory. Not all scientists accept the Big Bang. Why does God have to work in a way that pleases scientists? Bible could be correct – only God was there to inform people how things happened. Too complicated to be by chance Disagree? Increasing size and speed of the universe suggests there was a single starting point. If God made the universe why is it changing size? Scientific evidence supports it. No evidence for the idea of God. Big Bang does not need an explanation for the cause of the explosion It could be random chance

5 Creation stories say God created the earth, e.g. Genesis 1 shared by Christians, Jews and Muslims. Earth would not have just come about by accident. Nothing doesn’t become something without a reason, the first cause argument, something has to have started caused everything, domino effect. See design in nature, things designed for a purpose, designs have a designer. However It could have been an accident, came about by chance. Most creation stories are just myths, is there a god? if god created the world who created god, evolution, big bang theory. “God created life on earth.” What do you think? Give reasons to support your opinion. (3 marks) See example of What do you think question.

6 “God created life on earth.” What do you think? Give reasons to support your opinion. (3 marks) 3 marks Opinion supported by several simple reasons. 2 marks Opinion supported by two simple reasons. 1 mark Opinion supported by simple reason. 0 marks Unsupported opinion or no relevant evaluation.

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