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The Origin of Life Antonio Casir Ricaño A01329153 Marcelo Plata Padilla A01328349 Karla Hermosillo Cardoza A01329142.

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Presentation on theme: "The Origin of Life Antonio Casir Ricaño A01329153 Marcelo Plata Padilla A01328349 Karla Hermosillo Cardoza A01329142."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Origin of Life Antonio Casir Ricaño A01329153 Marcelo Plata Padilla A01328349 Karla Hermosillo Cardoza A01329142

2 Creationist Theory

3 Is the belief that the universe and life was an act of “divine creation”. Many diferent religions have their own creation myths, or a concept of the soul. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

4 Panspermia

5 Panspermia does not tell us an explanation for the origin of life nor evolution, but it explains how life was transfered through the Universe, meaning that “Panspermia” is the idea that probably life emerged on another planet and travelled through space to Earth.

6 Chemical Evolution also known as The BigBang Theory

7 The theory of the Big Bang states that at one point, all the matter in the universe was contained in a single point. This model suggest that after the universe got cold enough it allowed the formation of subatomic particles. Most of the atoms produced by the big bang are thought to be hydrogen and helium. Modern time measuring instruments place this event at about 13.8 billion years ago.

8 Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966) was a Belgian professor of physics at the Catholic university of Louvain. He propose the Big Bang theory in 1927, his theory has been vastly accepted throught the scientific community and is thought to be the most accurate one as of today. His studies are based mostly on Albert Einstein’s published work.

9 Acording to the video “Origin of life” The origin of life it’s unknown but there’s a million of species and living things on Earth that are here for a reason.. In what theory do you believe?

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