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12-12.  1. Shock is the condition produced when the cardiovascular-pulmonary system fails to deliver enough oxygenated blood to body tissues, which results.

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1 12-12

2  1. Shock is the condition produced when the cardiovascular-pulmonary system fails to deliver enough oxygenated blood to body tissues, which results in a reduction of metabolism for those tissues. ◦ A. 1 st phrase is true, 2 nd phase is false ◦ B. 1 st phrase is false, 2 nd phase is true ◦ C. Both phrases are true. ◦ D. Both phrases are false. 12-12

3  1. Shock is the condition produced when the cardiovascular-pulmonary system fails to deliver enough oxygenated blood to body tissues, which results in a reduction of metabolism for those tissues. ◦ A. 1 st phrase is true, 2 nd phase is false ◦ B. 1 st phrase is false, 2 nd phase is true ◦ C. Both phrases are true. ◦ D. Both phrases are false. 12-12

4  2. Which type of shock would you suspect for a patient experiencing a severe infection? ◦ A. hypovolemic ◦ B. anaphylactic ◦ C. cardiogenic ◦ D. septic 12-12

5  2. Which type of shock would you suspect for a patient experiencing a severe infection? ◦ A. hypovolemic ◦ B. anaphylactic ◦ C. cardiogenic ◦ D. septic 12-12

6  3. Which stage of shock is irreversible and characterized by failure of the vital organs? ◦ A. initial stage ◦ B. refractory stage ◦ C. compensatory stage ◦ D. progressive stage 12-12

7  3. Which stage of shock is irreversible and characterized by failure of the vital organs? ◦ A. initial stage ◦ B. refractory stage ◦ C. compensatory stage ◦ D. progressive stage 12-12

8  4. What is the most important step in the specific emergency treatment for hypovolemic shock? ◦ A. arrest the fluid loss ◦ B. administer antimicrobial medication ◦ C. administer appropriate medication to reduce tachycardia ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

9  4. What is the most important step in the specific emergency treatment for hypovolemic shock? ◦ A. arrest the fluid loss ◦ B. administer antimicrobial medication ◦ C. administer appropriate medication to reduce tachycardia ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

10  5. All of the following are possible etiologies of neurogenic shock except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. emotional trauma ◦ B. a disease of the brain stem ◦ C. an injury to the spinal cord ◦ D. myocardial infarction (MI) 12-12

11  5. All of the following are possible etiologies of neurogenic shock except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. emotional trauma ◦ B. a disease of the brain stem ◦ C. an injury to the spinal cord ◦ D. myocardial infarction (MI) 12-12

12  6. The type of shock that has the symptoms of nonspecific chest pain and shortness of breath would be ◦ A. hypovolemic ◦ B. cardiogenic ◦ C. septic ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

13  6. The type of shock that has the symptoms of nonspecific chest pain and shortness of breath would be ◦ A. hypovolemic ◦ B. cardiogenic ◦ C. septic ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

14  7. All of the following are forms of distributive shock except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. cardiogenic shock ◦ B. septic shock ◦ C. neurogenic shock ◦ D. anaphylactic shock 12-12

15  7. All of the following are forms of distributive shock except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. cardiogenic shock ◦ B. septic shock ◦ C. neurogenic shock ◦ D. anaphylactic shock 12-12

16  8. In what position should the patient be placed when suffering from shock? ◦ A. supine ◦ B. head between the knees ◦ C. upright ◦ D. on the stomach 12-12

17  8. In what position should the patient be placed when suffering from shock? ◦ A. supine ◦ B. head between the knees ◦ C. upright ◦ D. on the stomach 12-12

18  1. All of the following are symptoms of hyperventilation except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. circumoral parasthesia ◦ B. heart palpitations ◦ C. pulmonary embolism ◦ D. hypernea 12-12

19  1. All of the following are symptoms of hyperventilation except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. circumoral parasthesia ◦ B. heart palpitations ◦ C. pulmonary embolism ◦ D. hypernea 12-12

20  2. The chemical lacking in the bloodstream of the hyperventilating patient is ◦ A. oxygen ◦ B. hydrogen ◦ C. iron ◦ D. carbon dioxide 12-12

21  2. The chemical lacking in the bloodstream of the hyperventilating patient is ◦ A. oxygen ◦ B. hydrogen ◦ C. iron ◦ D. carbon dioxide 12-12

22  3. The carpopedal spasms often seen in a patient who is hyperventilating is caused by ◦ A. the respiratory acidosis ◦ B. the reduction in calcium in the bloodstream ◦ C. reduced cerebral oxygenation ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

23  3. The carpopedal spasms often seen in a patient who is hyperventilating is caused by ◦ A. the respiratory acidosis ◦ B. the reduction in calcium in the bloodstream ◦ C. reduced cerebral oxygenation ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

24  4. The recommended treatment for a hyperventilating patient is ◦ A. have him/her breathe into a paper bag ◦ B. have him/her drink milk to increase calcium levels ◦ C. administer oxygen at 4 liters per minute ◦ D. work with the patient to control his/her breathing 12-12

25  4. The recommended treatment for a hyperventilating patient is ◦ A. have him/her breathe into a paper bag ◦ B. have him/her drink milk to increase calcium levels ◦ C. administer oxygen at 4 liters per minute ◦ D. work with the patient to control his/her breathing 12-12

26  5. The symptoms of a pulmonary embolism are often similar to the symptoms of hyperventilation and both conditions are potentially life threatening. ◦ A. The 1 st phrase is correct and the 2 nd is incorrect ◦ B. The 1 st phrase is incorrect and the 2 nd is correct ◦ C. Both phrases are correct ◦ D. Both phrases are incorrect 12-12

27  5. The symptoms of a pulmonary embolism are often similar to the symptoms of hyperventilation and both conditions are potentially life threatening. ◦ A. The 1 st phrase is correct and the 2 nd is incorrect ◦ B. The 1 st phrase is incorrect and the 2 nd is correct ◦ C. Both phrases are correct ◦ D. Both phrases are incorrect 12-12

28  6. The respiration rate for a person experiencing hyperventilation is ◦ A. 12-14 resp/min ◦ B. 14-16 resp/min ◦ C. 16-18 resp/min ◦ D. >22 resp/min 12-12

29  6. The respiration rate for a person experiencing hyperventilation is ◦ A. 12-14 resp/min ◦ B. 14-16 resp/min ◦ C. 16-18 resp/min ◦ D. >22 resp/min 12-12

30  7. Abnormal spasm of the facial muscles elicited by light taps on the facial nerve is referred to as ◦ A. Levine sign B. Chvostek’s sign C. Tetany D. Circumoral parasthesia 12-12

31  7. Abnormal spasm of the facial muscles elicited by light taps on the facial nerve is referred to as ◦ A. Levine sign ◦ B. Chvostek’s sign ◦ C. Tetany ◦ D. Circumoral parasthesia 12-12

32  All of the following are common precipitating factors of hyperventilation except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. high altitudes ◦ B. Pregnancy ◦ C. anxiety ◦ D. hypertension 12-12

33  All of the following are common precipitating factors of hyperventilation except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. high altitudes ◦ B. Pregnancy ◦ C. anxiety ◦ D. hypertension 12-12

34  1. All of the following are associated with increased seizure activity, except one. What is the exception? ◦ A. hypoglycemia ◦ B. hyperglycemia ◦ C. hypoxia ◦ D. pyrexia 12-12

35  1. All of the following are associated with increased seizure activity, except one. What is the exception? ◦ A. hypoglycemia ◦ B. hyperglycemia ◦ C. hypoxia ◦ D. pyrexia 12-12

36  2. Which of the following are responsibilities of the clinician in treating a patient with seizure disorder? ◦ A. Thoroughly reviewing the medical history and discussing it with the patient. ◦ B. Monitoring the patient for signs and symptoms of impending seizures. ◦ C. Protecting the patients from harm during the seizure. ◦ D. Monitoring the patient’s vital signs during recovery, and arranging a ride home ◦ E. All of the above. 12-12

37  2. Which of the following are responsibilities of the clinician in treating a patient with seizure disorder? ◦ A. Thoroughly reviewing the medical history and discussing it with the patient. ◦ B. Monitoring the patient for signs and symptoms of impending seizures. ◦ C. Protecting the patients from harm during the seizure. ◦ D. Monitoring the patient’s vital signs during recovery, and arranging a ride home ◦ E. All of the above. 12-12

38  3. Seizure activity is often preceded by an aura. Patients are always aware that they have had an aura. ◦ A. Both phrases are true ◦ B. Both phrases are false ◦ C. The 1 st phrase is true, the 2 nd is false ◦ D. The 1 st phrase is false, the 2 nd is true 12-12

39  3. Seizure activity is often preceded by an aura. Patients are always aware that they have had an aura. ◦ A. Both phrases are true ◦ B. Both phrases are false ◦ C. The 1 st phrase is true, the 2 nd is false ◦ D. The 1 st phrase is false, the 2 nd is true 12-12

40  4. All of the following are classifications of seizures, except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. Signs and symptoms ◦ B. duration ◦ C. age of patient ◦ D. type of aura ◦ E. precipitating factors 12-12

41  4. All of the following are classifications of seizures, except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. Signs and symptoms ◦ B. duration ◦ C. age of patient ◦ D. type of aura ◦ E. precipitating factors 12-12

42  5. Your patient stiffens and starts to experience a seizure in the middle of periodontal debridement. What is the first thing you should do? ◦ A. Activate EMS system ◦ B. Stop treatment and remove everything from the patient’s mouth ◦ C. Administer CPR ◦ D. Administer antiepileptic medications 12-12

43  5. Your patient stiffens and starts to experience a seizure in the middle of periodontal debridement. What is the first thing you should do? ◦ A. Activate EMS system ◦ B. Stop treatment and remove everything from the patient’s mouth ◦ C. Administer CPR ◦ D. Administer antiepileptic medications 12-12

44  6. The following oral signs and symptoms may be present in a patient with a history of seizure disorders. Which of the following is an exception? ◦ A. advanced periodontitis ◦ B. gingival overgrowth ◦ C. fractured teeth ◦ D. tongue lacerations and scarring 12-12

45  6. The following oral signs and symptoms may be present in a patient with a history of seizure disorders. Which of the following is an exception? ◦ A. advanced periodontitis ◦ B. gingival overgrowth ◦ C. fractured teeth ◦ D. tongue lacerations and scarring 12-12

46  7. Antiepileptic drugs fall into which of the following pharmaceutical classifications ◦ A. muscle relaxants ◦ B. opioids ◦ C. central nervous system stimulants ◦ D. anticonvulsants 12-12

47  7. Antiepileptic drugs fall into which of the following pharmaceutical classifications ◦ A. muscle relaxants ◦ B. opioids ◦ C. central nervous system stimulants ◦ D. anticonvulsants 12-12

48  8. The most common type of seizure disorder is ◦ A. absence or petit mal seizures ◦ B. tonic-clonic or grand mal seizures 12-12

49  8. The most common type of seizure disorder is ◦ A. absence or petit mal seizures ◦ B. tonic-clonic or grand mal seizures 12-12

50  9. The injectable drug of choice in the emergency treatment of GTCS or status epilepticus is ◦ A. phenytoin ◦ B. carbamazepine ◦ C. diazepam ◦ D. codeine 12-12

51  9. The injectable drug of choice in the emergency treatment of GTCS or status epilepticus is ◦ A. phenytoin ◦ B. carbamazepine ◦ C. diazepam ◦ D. codeine 12-12

52  10. Respiratory arrest is most likely to occur during which phase of a generalized tonic- clonic seizure? ◦ A. aura ◦ B. preictal ◦ C. ictal ◦ D. postictal 12-12

53  10. Respiratory arrest is most likely to occur during which phase of a generalized tonic- clonic seizure? ◦ A. aura ◦ B. preictal ◦ C. ictal ◦ D. postictal 12-12

54  1. Which of the following is a condition that often mimics the symptoms of a CVA? ◦ A. hypoglycemia ◦ B. hyperventilation ◦ C. diabetic ketoacidosis ◦ D. anaphylaxis 12-12

55  1. Which of the following is a condition that often mimics the symptoms of a CVA? ◦ A. hypoglycemia ◦ B. hyperventilation ◦ C. diabetic ketoacidosis ◦ D. anaphylaxis 12-12

56  2. All of the following are individuals susceptible to CVA except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. individuals with atrial fibrillation ◦ B. diabetic patients ◦ C. young women taking oral contraceptives ◦ D. males in the 30-40 age range. 12-12

57  2. All of the following are individuals susceptible to CVA except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. individuals with atrial fibrillation ◦ B. diabetic patients ◦ C. young women taking oral contraceptives ◦ D. males in the 30-40 age range. 12-12

58  3. All of the following are symptoms of acute ischemic CVA except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. vision changes ◦ B. dysphagia ◦ C. chest pain ◦ D. facial droop 12-12

59  3. All of the following are symptoms of acute ischemic CVA except one. Which one is the exception? ◦ A. vision changes ◦ B. dysphagia ◦ C. chest pain ◦ D. facial droop 12-12

60  4. The preferred treatment for acute ischeimic stroke in the emergency department is the administration of intravenous r-tPA, and the r-tPA needs to be delivered within the first three hours of onset of the CVA symptoms. ◦ A. The 1 st phrase is true, the 2 nd false ◦ B. The 1 st phrase is false, the 2 nd true ◦ C. Both phrases are true ◦ D. Both phrases are false 12-12

61  4. The preferred treatment for acute ischeimic stroke in the emergency department is the administration of intravenous r-tPA, and the r-tPA needs to be delivered within the first three hours of onset of the CVA symptoms. ◦ A. The 1 st phrase is true, the 2 nd false ◦ B. The 1 st phrase is false, the 2 nd true ◦ C. Both phrases are true ◦ D. Both phrases are false 12-12

62  5. What can occur to a patient who is experiencing a hemorrhagic CVA and is given r-tPA? ◦ A. formation of a thrombus and worsening symptoms ◦ B. additonal hemorrhage worsening symptoms ◦ C. rupturing of an aneurysm and improved symptoms ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

63  5. What can occur to a patient who is experiencing a hemorrhagic CVA and is given r-tPA? ◦ A. formation of a thrombus and worsening symptoms ◦ B. additional hemorrhage worsening symptoms ◦ C. rupturing of an aneurysm and improved symptoms ◦ D. none of the above 12-12

64  6. Oxygen should be delivered to a patient suspected of a CVA only if ◦ A. The patient is positioned supinely ◦ B. The patient is hypoxic ◦ C. the CVA is hemorrhagic ◦ D. the blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg 12-12

65  6. Oxygen should be delivered to a patient suspected of a CVA only if ◦ A. The patient is positioned supinely ◦ B. The patient is hypoxic ◦ C. the CVA is hemorrhagic ◦ D. the blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg 12-12

66  7. Cerebral hemorrhages occur when a defective artery within the brain bursts and the surrounding tissue fills with blood, whereas subarachnoid hemorrhage strokes occur when a blood vessel on the surface of the brain ruptures and bleeds. ◦ A. The 1 st phrase is true, the 2 nd is false ◦ B. The 1 st phrase is false, the 2 nd is true ◦ C. Both phrases are true ◦ D. Both phrases are false 12-12

67  7. Cerebral hemorrhages occur when a defective artery within the brain bursts and the surrounding tissue fills with blood, whereas subarachnoid hemorrhage strokes occur when a blood vessel on the surface of the brain ruptures and bleeds. ◦ A. The 1 st phrase is true, the 2 nd is false ◦ B. The 1 st phrase is false, the 2 nd is true ◦ C. Both phrases are true ◦ D. Both phrases are false 12-12

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