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Lund University Libraries Head Office Electronic Library Information Navigator The one-stop-shop to digital library resources eIFL Annual General.

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Presentation on theme: "Lund University Libraries Head Office Electronic Library Information Navigator The one-stop-shop to digital library resources eIFL Annual General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lund University Libraries Head Office Electronic Library Information Navigator (ELIN@) The one-stop-shop to digital library resources eIFL Annual General Assembly Poznan September 10th-11th 2004 Lars Björnshauge, Lund University Libraries

2 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Things to consider for libraries and consortia Arnold Hirshon yesterday: How can we do something else with electronic resources How can you increase the value of your consortia How can we promote the usage of licensed resources

3 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Additional issues especially relevant to eIFL consortia How can we easily provide an overview of available (electronic) resources When connectivity is an important issue It must be easy for users to quickly find what they are searching for Available information resources must be visible We must provide tools that reduces dependence on connectivity (bandwidth etc.)

4 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Other issues also relevant to eIFL consortia Imagine: That users only have to learn to know one service to be able to access electronic resources That – when you have shortage of library staff – you only have to train users in one service

5 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge More than licensing content and providing access Organizing resources Federated search Integrate Open Access resources Easy to use = time saving reduce costs reduce network traffic

6 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge More than just journals!! It is not only about journals Freely accessible documents from Open Archives (e-print, pre-print, post-print – institutional repositories) Databases Web-resources – subject gateways

7 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Integration of OA-material in Library & Information Services The problem: conventional toll-access material flows seamlessly into library services supported by publishers, subscriptionsagents, aggregators etc. how to expose Open Access material to users??

8 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge The bundling strategy from the publishers point of view  In terms of access and usage bundling means:  One database  One single point of access – limited to the content of one publisher (i.e. Kluwer, Springer, Wiley, Elsevier etc.)  Visibility for low usage (low quality?) journals

9 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge An integration strategy from the library point of view Integration means:  One database  One single point of access – independent of publishers  Visibility for smaller, not-for-profit publishers And  Visibility for Institutional Repositories and Open Access journals and other freely available quality resources

10 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge A solution: The Electronic Library Information Navigator - ELIN@ - The one-stop-shop integrating Subscription based (toll-access) journals, open access journals institutional repositories databases scholarly web resources (subject gateways)

11 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ ELIN@ what is it? Advantages for end users and library staff ELIN@ who are using it? ELIN@ User interface Administrative tool Why you should choose ELIN@

12 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ A user-friendly search interface created by librarians One interface for all content Cross search documents from multiple sources – free or licensed Subject classification Document delivery services for documents not available in full text My ELIN@ with personal ToC alerts and SDI´s Export references to EndNote and Reference Manager

13 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@  A product neutral presentation of resources  19 000 000 records in one user interface  Publishers + Open Archives + Open Access Journals  Integration to local user database for autentification etc.  Personalized services  Advanced administration tools for customization

14 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@Lund what is it? Administrative tools Subscription administration functionalities Easy to add and remove titles Overview of titles Import and export files Statistics Easy overview of usage You control your holding information Customization Change layout Add logo and link Change information Content in ELIN@ + 11.000 journal titles + 19 million articles

15 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ who are using it? Currently 12 academic institutions are using ELIN@ ELIN@GentUniversity of Gent, Belgium ELIN@Gent ELIN@Blekinge Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden ELIN@Blekinge ELIN@Dalarna Dalarna University, Sweden ELIN@Dalarna ELIN@Kalmar Kalmar University, Sweden ELIN@Kalmar ELIN@Kristianstad Kristianstad University, Sweden ELIN@Kristianstad ELIN@Mälardalen Mälardalen University, Sweden ELIN@Mälardalen ELIN@Malmö Malmö University, Sweden ELIN@Malmö ELIN@Örebro Örebro University, Sweden ELIN@Örebro ELIN@Skövde University of Skövde, Sweden ELIN@Skövde ELIN@Växjö Växjö University, Sweden ELIN@Växjö ELIN@VGregionVästra Götalandregion, Sweden ELIN@VGregion ELIN@Lund Lund University, Sweden ELIN@Lund

16 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge International Development Development of onsite ELIN@ in cooperation with International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) for institutions Facilitating easy use of digital information resources in low-bandwidth environments In operation at Law Faculties in 4 universities in Vietnam Installations underway in: Pakistan Uganda Rwanda

17 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Implementation in Vietnam, Rwanda, Uganda and Pakistan

18 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ for low-connectivity countries What we will do for INASP: Develop an onsite version of ELIN@ Metadata are hosted locally Requests for full-text download are collected and downloaded in low-traffic hours User and/or library is alerted when the document is transferred Training of librarians is proveded as well

19 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Languages Swedish English Vietnamese French (soon) Easy to implement other languages in the interface

20 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ user interface

21 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

22 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

23 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

24 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

25 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

26 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

27 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

28 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

29 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

30 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

31 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

32 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

33 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

34 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

35 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

36 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

37 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

38 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

39 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ administrative tool

40 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

41 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

42 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

43 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

44 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge

45 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Why ELIN@ could be usefull for eIFL-menbers Choose a commercial service – or – Choose a service developed and operated by a university library We are Independent We are on your side! We are committed to changes in the scholarly publishing system We are promoting open access, (DOAJ) We are credible, we keep our promises

46 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge More!! One simple pricing model all services included – unlimited number of resources (journals, databases etc.) no extra costs for linking up additional information resources no extra costs for personalisation (TOC-alerts or SDI´s) no hardware investments

47 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge So – to go back to the beginning of this presentation: You can do something else with electronic resources You can increase the value of your consortia You can promote the usage of licensed resources and Open Access resources

48 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge More! You can provide an overview of available (electronic) resources When connectivity is an important issue You can provide tools for users to quickly find what they are searching for You can make information resources visible You can provide tools that reduces dependence on connectivity (bandwidth etc.)

49 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge And finally Imagine: Users only have to learn to know one service to be able to access electronic resources When you have shortage of library staff – you will only have to train users in one service

50 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge We work for libraries We work internationally We work for changes in scholarly communication We would very much like to work with eIFL consortia to provide easy access to resources and make the most of your investments

51 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge More information About the ELIN@ service: Articles about ELIN@: The Charleston Advisor, Volume 5, Number 4, April 2004: 155&type=fr 155&type=fr Serials: Volume 16, Number 3 / November 01, 2003 pages 313-317 : ion_Resources_final.pdf ion_Resources_final.pdf Lars Björnshauge:

52 September 2004eIFL Annual General Assembly Lars Björnshauge Live presentation ELIN@Lund:

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