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Internet – Part II. What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web is a collection of host machines, which deliver documents, graphics and multi-media.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet – Part II. What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web is a collection of host machines, which deliver documents, graphics and multi-media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet – Part II

2 What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web is a collection of host machines, which deliver documents, graphics and multi-media to users via the Internet.

3 World Wide Web Pages or files are stored on Web Servers. Users access these pages using a graphical browser like Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer. Pages can include graphics, sound, movies and other media-rich content, as well as references to other pages on the same site or other sites.

4 Hyper-Links A hyperlink is a clickable link to another document or resource. It is normally shown in blue underline. When a user clicks on this link, the client will retrieve the document associated with that link, by requesting the document from the designated server upon which it resides.

5 URLs An URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a means of specifying the pathname for any resource on the Internet. It consists of three part: a protocol part a host part  a document name

6 URLs Computer_Science/index.htm specifies the protocol as http, the host or WWW server as and the document as /Computer_Science/ index.htm

7 Search Engines Because there is so much information available on the Internet today, it is important to be able to access information quickly. Several sites have specialized in searching.

8 Browsing the Web The features of World Wide Web (WWW) are: Server provides access information presented as pages uses html (hyper-text markup language) to write it.

9  Pages may reference other pages, graphics etc (links)  Client provides browse services to view pages and handle special page types  Connect only long enough to get a page  Examples of available browsers include Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer. Browsing the Web

10 HTML HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language. Used to create (design) Web pages which may include text, graphics, sound, video and/or links to other pages.

11 Web Browser A WWW browser is an application run on a user’s computer, which allows him to view the pages made available by a WWW server. The browser interprets each HTML page and displays the information in a window. Each WWW server has a host name, and each page has a location address where it resides on the server.

12 The site-name is, which denotes the server address for the WWW server at JUST. The page, which is shown as JUST’s home page is called index.htm Web Browser

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