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TESL Methodology Topics for today: Curriculum Design Curriculum Design and Lesson PlanLesson Plan Class objectives for today: 1.Understand what “ curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "TESL Methodology Topics for today: Curriculum Design Curriculum Design and Lesson PlanLesson Plan Class objectives for today: 1.Understand what “ curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 TESL Methodology Topics for today: Curriculum Design Curriculum Design and Lesson PlanLesson Plan Class objectives for today: 1.Understand what “ curriculum ” is 2.Understand how to design a “ lesson ” * Grouping for oral presentations Feb. 26

2 Curriculum Design for TESL Definition for Curriculum Key elements for Curriculum Basic premises for TESL Curriculum Syllabus design (see handouts) Some factors in TESL Curriculum Planning Some factors in TESL Curriculum Planning Curriculum and Lessons

3 Definition for Curriculum The knowledge, information, skills, abilities, activities, materials, etc., which are included in the teaching of any subject.

4 Key elements for Curriculum Learner Methods Goals Evaluation For whom? Learn what? How to teach? How to evaluate?

5 Basic Premises for TESL Curriculum Needs analysis (see handouts) An analysis of its aims and goals (the behavior and skills the students will be expected to acquire)(see handouts) A list of the language items to be taught (phonology, structure, vocabulary, and communication expressions) A list of the cultural concepts to be discussed An analysis of the language abilities and enabling subskills to be developed(listening with understanding, speaking, reading, writing)

6 Basic Premises for TESL Curriculum (continue … ) A description of the activities and realistic situation through which the language items will be introduced and practiced Suggestions for evaluation (testing) of the learners ’ language growth in linguistic competence and performance Sources for teacher reference and pupils ’ texts

7 Factors for TESL Curriculum 1.Natural and sequential relationships between levels 2. Materials should be graded 3. Constant reinforcement 4. Use “ spiral approach ”

8 Curriculum and Lessons Curriculum Lesson

9 Curriculum VS. Lesson The knowledge, information, skills, abilities, activities, materials, etc., which are included in the teaching of any subject. … a unified set of activities that cover a period of classroom time, usually ranging from 40-90 minutes

10 How to Plan a Lesson Definition of “ lesson ” : … a unified set of activities that cover a period of classroom time, usually ranging from 40-90 minutes. … represent “ steps ” along a curriculum … serve to provide a rhythm to a course of study

11 Format of a Lesson Plan Goals Objectives Materials and equipment Procedures Evaluation Extra-class work

12 Guidelines for Lesson Planning How to begin planning Variety, sequencing, pacing, and timing Gauging difficulty Individual differences Student talk and teacher talk Adapting to an established curriculum

13 For next week: Grammar Translation Method (LF-chp.2) Prepare a 30-40 minute presentation to introduce Grammar Translation Method. Use MS PowerPoint to demonstrate your presentation. Prepare handout copies for everyone in class. Turn in the PowerPoint file to the instructor after the presentation. ★ Gain extra 3 points for being the first group.

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