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Abdominal Wall Review with

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1 Abdominal Wall Review with
Anatomy Jeopardy Tom Gest, PhD Division of Anatomical Sciences University of Michigan Medical School Abdominal Wall Review with

2 Keep a record of each player’s points.
Spermatic Cord Muscles, Lines, and Fascia Inguinal Canal Herniae Regions and Folds 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Keep a record of each player’s points.

3 This takes the place of the spermatic cord in half the population.
Spermatic Cord 100 Points This takes the place of the spermatic cord in half the population.

4 What is the round ligament of the uterus?
Spermatic Cord Points What is the round ligament of the uterus?

5 Functions to cool the hot arterial blood traveling to the testis.
Spermatic Cord Points Functions to cool the hot arterial blood traveling to the testis.

6 What is the pampiniform plexus?
Spermatic Cord Points What is the pampiniform plexus?

7 Nerve of the spermatic cord.
Spermatic Cord Points Nerve of the spermatic cord.

8 What is the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve?
Spermatic Cord Points What is the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve?

9 Middle layer of the coverings of the spermatic cord.
Spermatic Cord Points Middle layer of the coverings of the spermatic cord.

10 What is the cremaster muscle and fascia?
Spermatic Cord Points What is the cremaster muscle and fascia?

11 Proper name for the duct of the testis.
Spermatic Cord Points Proper name for the duct of the testis.

12 What is the ductus deferens?
Spermatic Cord Points What is the ductus deferens?

13 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 100 Points
Lies anterior to the deep ring and posterior to the superficial ring.

14 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 100 Points
What is the internal abdominal oblique muscle?

15 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 200 Points
Marks a change in the composition of the rectus sheath below the umbilicus.

16 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 200 Points
What is the arcuate line?

17 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 300 Points
Anterior midline meeting point of abdominal wall aponeuroses.

18 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 300 Points
What is the linea alba?

19 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 400 Points
The lateral edge of the six-pack muscle.

20 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 400 Points
What is the semilunar line?

21 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 500 Points
Small muscle that often lies anterior to the rectus abdominis.

22 Muscles, Lines, and Fascia 500 Points
What is the pyramidalis muscle?

23 Passes between the inguinal and pectineal ligaments.
Inguinal Canal 100 Points Passes between the inguinal and pectineal ligaments.

24 What is the lacunar ligament?
Inguinal Canal Points What is the lacunar ligament?

25 Makes up the weak fascia.
Inguinal Canal Points Makes up the weak fascia.

26 What is the transversalis fascia?
Inguinal Canal Points What is the transversalis fascia?

27 Bony attachment of the inguinal ligament medially.
Inguinal Canal Points Bony attachment of the inguinal ligament medially.

28 What is the pubic tubercle?
Inguinal Canal Points What is the pubic tubercle?

29 Inguinal Canal Points Arises from the external iliac artery and passes superiorly medial to the deep ring.

30 What is the inferior epigastric artery?
Inguinal Canal Points What is the inferior epigastric artery?

31 Roof of the inguinal canal that "winks" to prevent inguinal hernias.
Inguinal Canal Points Roof of the inguinal canal that "winks" to prevent inguinal hernias.

32 What is the internal abdominal oblique muscle?
Inguinal Canal Points What is the internal abdominal oblique muscle?

33 Passes above the iliac crest.
Herniae 100 Points Passes above the iliac crest.

34 Herniae Points What is a lumbar hernia?

35 Passes into the rectus sheath.
Herniae Points Passes into the rectus sheath.

36 What is a Spigelian hernia?
Herniae Points What is a Spigelian hernia?

37 Fails to close, allowing an indirect hernia to occur.
Herniae Points Fails to close, allowing an indirect hernia to occur.

38 What is the processus vaginalis testis?
Herniae Points What is the processus vaginalis testis?

39 Lies medial to a femoral hernia.
Herniae Points Lies medial to a femoral hernia.

40 What is the lacunar ligament?
Herniae Points What is the lacunar ligament?

41 Triangle where direct inguinal hernias occur.
Herniae Points Triangle where direct inguinal hernias occur.

42 What is the inguinal or Hesselbach's triangle?
Herniae Points What is the inguinal or Hesselbach's triangle?

43 Regions and Folds 100 Points
The obliterated part of the umbilical artery.

44 Regions and Folds 100 Points
What is the medial umbilical ligament?

45 Regions and Folds 200 Points
Also known as the pubic region.

46 Regions and Folds 200 Points
What is the hypogastric region?

47 Regions and Folds 300 Points
Point lying one-third of the way from the anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus.

48 Regions and Folds 300 Points
What is McBurney's point?

49 Regions and Folds 400 Points
Found within the median umbilical fold.

50 Regions and Folds 400 Points
What is the median umbilical ligament or urachus?

51 Regions and Folds 500 Points
Lies between the median and medial umbilical folds.

52 Regions and Folds 500 Points
What is the supravesical fossa?

53 Good luck on your final exam

54 The Daily Double

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