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08 IAT 102 Graphic Design.

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Presentation on theme: "08 IAT 102 Graphic Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 08 IAT 102 Graphic Design

2 08 Swiss Style Armin Hofmann Adrian Frutiger: Univers-Font
Wolfgang Weingart: Typo-Punk Design Basics

3 What are the Principles of Swiss Design?
(International Typographic Style)

4 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style)
asymmetrical organization grid objective photography clear and factual sans serif typography Herbert Matter, Max Bill, Otl Aicher, Emil Ruder, Armin Hofmann, Josef Müller-Brockmann (Chapter 18, Meggs) Armin Hofmann, 1954

5 1928 Tschichold New Typography 50-60ies Ruder White Space 1961 Muller-Brockmann The Grid 1970s Otl Aicher: Corporate Identity

6 Armin Hoffman

7 Armin Hoffman

8 Armin Hoffman “The viewers do not know it – but they can feel it”


10 Font Design (Swiss Style)



13 Leading refers to the thin strips of lead that divide the horizontal lines of type.
A font size is determined by the entire piece of metal. Therefore, not all 10pt. fonts look exactly the same - they can have differing x-heights.

14 Univers, Adrian Frutiger, 1957




18 Helvetica, (Neue Haas Grotesk), Max Miedlinger 1957



21 Swiss Design (International Typographic Style)
asymmetrical organization grid objective photography clear and factual sans serif typography Poster “the good shape” Emil Ruder






27 Wolfgang Weingart, Punk-Typographer

28 What are these Swiss designers best known for?
(Tschichold, Ruder, Muller-Brockmann, Otl Aicher)

29 1928 Tschichold New Typography 50-60ies Ruder White Space 1961 Muller-Brockmann The Grid 1970s Otl Aicher: Corporate Identity

30 Design Basics

31 How do you lead users through information by visual means?

32 Style-Hints (or elements for good design):
Hierarchy Balance Consistency / Repetition Contrast White space Gestalt-principles

33 hierarchy

34 What is the most important information?
What should you see first? Second? hierarchy


36 balance

37 balance - symmetry

38 balance - asymmetry

39 balance – symmetry or asymmetry

40 contrast

41 visual contrast

42 Gestalt-principles: Proximity Similarity Good continuation Closure
Uniform Connectedness Figure Ground

43 Proximity Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010
Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010

44 Similarity Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010

45 Good continuation Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010

46 Closure Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010

47 Uniform Connectedness
Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010

48 figure/ground


50 Proximity Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010
Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010


52 Good continuation Information Design, Andres Wanner 2010


54 figure/ground

55 figure/ground

56 figure/ground




60 figure/ground



63 Announcements Next week: - quiz: all lectures + Lupton: GRID chapter This week: midterm-marks Please review IN DETAIL! your marks count as accepted, if you don’t dispute them before July 10th Questions, feedback, etc: Angela’s informal office hour, today 9:30-11 Mezzanine Erin, Leah office hours

64 fin

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