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Yizheng Middle School Wen Yuqing Module 7 Unit 3 The world online Period 1 Skills practice.

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1 Yizheng Middle School Wen Yuqing Module 7 Unit 3 The world online Period 1 Skills practice

2 The world Online Welcome to the unit Benefits of the Internet Reading The effects of the Internet on our lives Word power Useful terms to surf the Internet Grammar Linking verbs Task How to read charts and graphs Project Doing research on the Internet Self- assessment Analysis of the whole unit

3 Welcome to the unit---speaking Reading (1) --- reading, speaking Task: Describing a pie chart --- writing Period 1 Skills practice Including:

4 Knowledge objects: to encourage students grasp as many useful expressions about the Internet as possible. to give students an instruction in reading an argument and writing a report according to the pie chart. Ability objects: to practise and improve students’ speaking, reading and writing abilities in different procedures. to develop students’ communicative ability by learning useful expressions and basic knowledge about theInternet to enable students to write a report on facts and figures. Moral objects: to encourage students to use the Internet properly and learn to tell right from wrong when surfing the Internet.

5 1. To enable students to grasp some basic knowledge about surfing the Internet. 2. To encourage students to express their opinions about the Internet, using what they will have learned in class. 3. To enable students to understand the pie chart and express the information clearly and accurately on paper. 4. To instruct students to read and understand an argument. Teaching key points: Teaching difficulties: 1. The structure of an argument. 2. Understanding the information and expressing it correctly on the pie chart.

6 Multi-media computer, overhead projector ( 投 影仪 ), blackboard, PowerPoint and so on. Teaching aids: Teaching methods: 1. Communicative approach. 2. Interactive activities between the teacher and students and between students, including single work, free talk, pair work, debate and group discussion.

7 Preview activities 1. Preview Word Power to learn some terms about the Internet. 2. Go through Task to get the brief idea about the charts and graphs.

8 Yizheng Middle School Wen Yuqing Module 7 Unit 3 The world online Period 1 Skills practice

9 Do you know how people used to keep in touch with each other? Brainstorming

10 Which one do you prefer to keep in touch with your friends? Why? postcardstelephones computers letters Discussion

11 According to the four pictures, can you list some benefits that the Internet brings us? Functions of the Internet Search for information Keep in touch with … Do online shopping other functions

12 Apart from its advantages, what disadvantages can you think of?


14 1. What are the speeches about? 2. The first speaker talks about the positive effects of the Internet on our lives. How many main points does she make? 3. The second speaker talks about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives. What are the two points he makes? Fast reading

15 Task-based Reading The effects of the ________ on our life ________ effects value for people who are looking for information _______ affairs Weather forecast Travel package ________ research the _____ to build group online and form friendship Based on _________ interests Help________ people Negative effects ___________ information the ________ in the way people spend their time Damage people’s abilities to live ________ lives Positive Internet ability Current Academic common disabled uncontrolledchange normal

16 Reading strategy Reading an argument Pros Cons Conclusion TOPIC Supporting facts Main points Supporting facts Conclusion An argument convince hit back

17 1. How does the network addiction affect our life greatly? Discussion 2. How to protect ourselves from being addicted to surfing the Internet?

18 A survey about network addiction 建议: 1. 在上网时间上要自我约束,特别是夜间; 2. 每天坚持锻炼,如慢跑 30-40 分钟; 3. 平时要丰富业余生活, …… ……

19 Practice Recently, you have conducted a survey about the network addiction and put forward a proposal named “Healthy life, away from addiction ”. According to the chart, give a description about the symptoms of the addiction and give some suggestions on being far away from network addiction. Attention: Try to use as many useful phrases from the book as possible. writing a report

20 Summary and Homework 1.Underline the important and difficult points in these three parts. 2.Look up the following key words in the dictionary, finding their meanings and usage: advance, address, judge, occur, handle, accustomed. 3.Consolidation exercise: Finish ExxD & E on Page36 in SB.

21 We are dying for a green net world full of love and smile!

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