Event Planning at Pace University Presented by the Office of University Special Events.

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2 Event Planning at Pace University Presented by the Office of University Special Events

3 Special… Who? The Office of University Special Events at Pace University consists of two offices, one in New York that handles the downtown campus, and one in Briarcliff that handles all events on the Westchester campuses. We coordinate everything from your 10am staff meeting to Graduation and many more.

4 Internal vs. Co-Sponsored Events Internal - an event held by a University department. Co-Sponsored - an event held in conjunction with an external company or organization.

5 What to Know When Your Event is Just an Idea Possible dates and timeframes General purpose Estimated size Estimated budget These details will change throughout the process but they are always helpful to know from the start.

6 Reserving Space First step in the process –You can’t hold an event without a location! Earlier the better –Space availability may be limited! Content and advertising can be developed once you have space.

7 How Do I Reserve Space? Email Us!! specialeventsny@pace.edu specialeventswest@pace.edu Email Should Include: Dates Timeframes Number of People Expected Space Desired and Back-up Spaces Information about the event

8 What Happens Next… This means your space has been reserved and you will get a confirmation email from us with links to the next steps in the process. No space has been reserved. We will ask you for alternative spaces or dates so that we can get you another appropriate space. Your space request will be, based on availability, either: CONFIRMEDUNCONFIRMED

9 Putting the Pieces Together Now that your space is confirmed you should work on the content aspects of your event while being mindful of its purpose. This will help you put all the pieces together and you will be surprised at how easily arrangements seem to fall into place.

10 What Do I Need to Plan? Who is attending? What kind of event is it? Do we need to eat? Technology?

11 Service Groups: How to Make Them Work for YOU University Special Events - we work with your department and the service groups to support the logistic and strategic goals of your event Buildings and Grounds Lackmann Catering Educational Media Security

12 Buildings and Grounds Do you need a podium for your event? Chairs and tables moved? A banner hung? Buildings and grounds is responsible for all special setups needed for events. The desired setup can be worked out with University Special Events and put in the “Diagram of Setup” box on the Space Reservation Form.

13 Helpful Setup Tips to Remember All setup details should be submitted to us 2 weeks in advance. A budget number must be included to cover the charges associated with setups –The charges currently apply to overtime setups only.



16 Lackmann Catering Services All types of events may need catering services, from your morning meeting with a light coffee break to a plated dinner and wine service for 150.

17 Finding Your Options Lackmann’s menu is available online and provides all their catering options. You can contact Special Events for any suggestions and any other help you may need to plan the menu for your event.

18 Check out the new Lackmann catering guide online - be sure to download the PDF file to your computer for quick reference! Feel free to ask us for our favorite suggestions!


20 I Have a Menu…What Now? Once a menu has been determined you must submit a Purchase Order via E-Procurement. –Lackmann will be unable to fulfill any orders placed without a PO secured before the event. Please have menu and PO submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event.

21 Educational Media Will you need… computer projection? wireless sound system? video recording? If so… You need Ed Media!

22 All the Educational Media options can be found on their website and can be ordered directly online at least two weeks ahead of time.

23 Security For many larger events or those with guests from outside the University, special Security measures must be taken. You should work directly with University Special Events to determine what these are.

24 Pulling it All Together: Space Reservation Form The space reservation form pulls together all the details of your event. It should be completed and submitted via fax or email to the appropriate campus.

25 Space Reservation Form

26 Other Services to Consider: The Office of University Special Events can help to connect you with other departments that can provide essential services for your event. Flowers (Lackmann) Marketing Posters and Advertising Invitations Print Material The main consideration to keep in mind if you will need extra materials is to let us know as soon as you do since there are tight deadlines.


28 Coming Soon… University Special Events is currently working with members of the University Community to implement a brand new system aimed at improving our academic, special events, and student affairs scheduling processes. There will be an improved user interface which will allow for the viewing of space availability and an improved request process. Stay tuned for information on training and implementation!

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