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Social Life at Harvard! (yes, it really does exist)

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Presentation on theme: "Social Life at Harvard! (yes, it really does exist)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Life at Harvard! (yes, it really does exist)

2 Some essentials Try to meet as many people as you can during your first few weeks here Use Annenberg as a way to meet new people and socialize with fellow freshmen ‘’Catch meals’’ with friends in order to catch up on life Attend study breaks! A lot of fun (and a great excuse for not studying) Heba

3 Parties! Woodbridge Events! House Parties (Mather Lather, Leverett’s 80’s, Pfoho 90’s, Currier Heaven & Hell, etc.) Room Parties ECA Parties Formals Majla

4 College Wide Events! Definitely attend them (no matter how many pages you have left on that paper!) Harvard-Yale football game Yardfest (big concert) Prefrosh Weekend Cultural Rhythms Arts FIRST Heba

5 Social Clubs Wait, what? Sororities/Fraternities Final Clubs Hasty Pudding Club Boys vs. Girls Allie

6 Drinking Legal drinking age IS 21 – AND THERE ARE STRICT CONSEQUENCES OF NOT ABIDING THE LAW Heavy (double) carding at bars & clubs Alcohol is available at most campus parties “Pregaming ” If you do drink, know your limits and ALWAYS CALL University Health Services (UHS) if things get out of hand Allie

7 Some last minute tips... Widen your social circles – people really are what makes H so great! Have “chill” nights with friends and a movie to unwind during stressful times Travel as much as possible (long weekends, Intersession, Spring Break...) Use Cambridge and Boston Movie theatres, ice skating, restaurants, shopping, parks + sights HAVE FUN and cherish the next 4 years! Majla

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