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First Steps in Verilog CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker.

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Presentation on theme: "First Steps in Verilog CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Steps in Verilog CPSC 321 Computer Architecture Andreas Klappenecker

2 Verilog Simulators vcs from Synopsis powerful debugging tools Icarus Verilog compiler, free Veriwell simulator, free

3 Information about Verilog Short manual by Chauhan and Blair Verilog Quick Reference Guide by Sutherland HDL Appendix A in Fundamentals of Digital Logic by Brown and Vranesic Quick Reference for Verilog HDL by Rajeev Madhavan

4 Hello World module top; initial $display("Hello, world!"); endmodule initial statements are executed once by the simulator

5 Verilog Simulator The Verilog simulator is event driven Different styles of Verilog structural dataflow behavioral We will see examples of each type

6 Nets A net represents a node in the circuit The wire type connects an output of one element to an input of another element wire abar; not(abar, a); nand(b, abar,abar);

7 Vector wires Range [msb: lsb] wire [3:0] S; S = 4’b0011 The result of this assignment is S[3] = 0, S[2] = 0, S[1] = 1, S[0] = 1 wire [1:2] A; A = S[2:1]; means A[1] = S[2], A[2] = S[1]

8 Variables Variables come in two flavors reg integers reg can model combinatorial or sequential parts of the circuits reg does not necessarily denote a register! Integers often used as loop control variables useful for describing the behavior of a module

9 Simple Example module testgate; reg b, c; // variables wire a, d, e; // nets and (d, b, c); // gates or (e, d, c); // nand(a, e, b); // initial begin // simulated once b=1; c=0; // blocking assignments #10 $display("a = %b", a); end endmodule What value will be printed?

10 Operators 1’s complement ~A 2’s complement -A bitwise AND A&B reduction &A produces AND of all bits in A Concatenate {a,b,c} | {a,b,c} = a | b | c Replication operators 2{A} = {A,A} {2{A},3{B}} = {A,A,B,B,B}

11 Continuous assignments Single bit assignments assign s = x ^ y ^ cin; assign cout = (x & y) | (cin & x) | (cin &y ) Multibit assignments wire [1:3] a,b,c; … assign c = a & b;

12 Full Adder module fulladd(cin, x, y, s, cout) input cin, x, y; output s, cout; assign s = x ^ y ^ cin; assign cout = (x & y) | (cin & x) | (cin & y); endmodule

13 Always Blocks An always block contains one or more procedural statements always @(sensitivity list) always @(x or y) begin s = x ^ y; c = x & y; end

14 Mux: Structural Verilog module mux(f, a,b,sel); input a,b,sel; output f; wire f1, f2; not(nsel, sel); and(f1, a,nsel); and(f2, b, sel); or (f, f1, f2); endmodule b a sel f

15 Mux: Dataflow Model module mux2(f, a,b,sel); output f; input a,b,sel; assign f = (a & ~sel) | (b & sel); endmodule

16 Mux: Behavioral Model module mux2(f, a,b,sel); output f; input a,b,sel; reg f; always @(a or b or sel) if (sel==1) f = b; else f = a; endmodule

17 Sign extension and addition module adder_sign(x,y,s,s2s); input [3:0] x,y; output [7:0] s, ss; assign s = x + y, ss = {{4{x[3]}},x}+{{4{y[3]},y} endmodule x = 0011, y = 1101 s = 0011 + 1101 = 00010000 ss = 0011 + 1101 = 00000011 + 11111101= = 00000000

18 Demux Example 2-to-4 demultiplexer with active low enableabz[3]z[2]z[1]z[0] 0xx1111 1001110 1101101 1011011 1110111

19 Demux: Structural Model // 2-to-4 demultiplexer with active-low outputs module demux1(z,a,b,enable); input a,b,enable; output [3:0] z; wire abar,bbar; // local signals not v0(abar,a), v1(bbar,b); nand n0(z[0],enable,abar,bbar); nand n1(z[1],enable,a,bbar); nand n2(z[2],enable,abar,b); nand n3(z[3],enable,a,b); endmodule

20 Demux: Dataflow model // 2-to-4 demux with active-low outputs // dataflow model module demux2(z,a,b,enable); input a,b,enable; output [3:0] z; assign z[0] = | {~enable,a,b}; assign z[1] = ~(enable & a & ~b); assign z[2] = ~(enable & ~a & b); assign z[3] = enable ? ~(a & b) : 1'b1; endmodule

21 Demux: Behavioral Model // 2-to-4 demultiplexer with active-low outputs module demux3(z,a,b,enable); input a,b,enable; output [3:0] z; reg z; // not really a register! always @(a or b or enable) case ({enable,a,b}) default: z = 4'b1111; 3'b100: z = 4'b1110; 3'b110: z = 4'b1101; 3'b101: z = 4'b1011; 3'b111: z = 4'b0111; endcase endmodule

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