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Engaging networks can help you to grow your online community Outreach top 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging networks can help you to grow your online community Outreach top 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging networks can help you to grow your online community Outreach top 10

2 The power of widgets List building and the email service Using data services to increase engagement by visualising data Email triggers Email a friend Split testing Using profiles to find your super activists and segment Converting offline to online through message upload Social sharing tags in copy blocks Meta tags in HTML template

3 1. The power of widgets What is it and how it works Its own entity based in an iframe Embeddable code allows you to insert it into a separate site The data entered gets submitted into your EN account Uses the logic and elements specified in the campaign it is associated with Flexibility in styling Javascript widgets Why use it? Website integration option Distribution potential across the Internet Partner development Integration with social networks Create unique campaign brand Grow your supporter base Make your campaigns more effective Attractive and easy way of reaching out to supporters

4 1. The power of widgets


6 Widgets – key points Create an action – add content, design Create a widget in ‘Manage widgets’ Add styling – image, dimensions, fonts Test your widget Embed on the page Share on social networks

7 2. List building and email service Reaching out to big lists of supporters Customized branded emails Pre-populating campaign form data Inserting user related information Increase the click through rates by using images and buttons Political data mapping - customize the email with MP information Making the email more specific to the area supporter lives in Helping the supporter to take action in smaller amount of time by providing all the necessary information within the broadcast email A wide range of filtering tools to define recipients list

8 Email service – key points Set up your email message Insert tracking links, images, dynamic content Test your email Identify recipients list using advanced list builder Send the email Check reporting

9 3. Using data services to increase engagement by visualising data Why use it  Increasing engagement of supporters  Providing graphical, user friendly representation of campaigns' results / outcomes (maps, diagrams)  Using counters to show campaign's progress and activity levels

10 3. Using data services to increase engagement by visualising data  Using AOEmailToTarget feed (XML service) to get supporters of the campaign  Mapping supporters against their constituency via They Work for You API (using postcode)  Displaying no. of campaigners per constituency on a Google Map  Optional display of MP responses - disabled for this campaign

11 4. Automate emails with email triggers How it works? Automated emails to specific supporters at specific times, at specific intervals Emails triggered by your supporters’ behaviour or based on user data Sequence of emails No need to select the recipients list for every email in the sequence Reporting for each triggered email Why use it  Tailor communications with any strategic objective  Automate the process of reaching out to supporters  Save time - you don’t have to manually send emails  Increase open rates and action response rates  Grow supporters database and increase their activity level  Increasing campaigner to donor conversion rates  Engaging your supporters on issues that are relevant to them

12 4. Automate emails with email triggers Examples Engage new supporters with a welcome series Convert activists into donors Send out monthly e-newsletters to ‘opted in’ supporters Recognise donors when their donation level reaches a certain amount Reach out to inactive supporters Notify supporters about closed actions and provide an update Send information to supporters that request it PETA welcome series 1.Welcome email (day 1) - goes out to new joins - this group of supporters gets an email the next morning to say welcome 2.Join PETA (day 3) - Three days later the same population gets an email asking them to join PETA i.e. make a donation 3.More resources (day 7)- 7 days later the same population gets an email with more resources they can find on our website

13 Email triggers – key points Set up individual email(s) Test emails Set up triggers –Select trigger criteria –Schedule the trigger – frequency, date, offset days –Prioritise triggers (if more than 1 in the account) –Activate trigger

14 5. Tell a friend  Easy way to contact multiple friends  Growing your community by encouraging your supporters to share your campaign information with their friends  Asking your keen supporters (super activists) to share their action with their friends  Pre-populated messages and linking to the main campaign directly  Personalized informal messages Key points: Create Tell a friend action Insert a link to the main campaign in the message body Link to it in the main campaign using action redirect

15 6. Testing responses with split testing How it works? Testing different messaging, branding, layouts, subjects Sending to a percentage of your recipient list to test effectiveness Comparing results to identify the most effective template One click to generate rest of emails using the most successful template Why use it? Creating more effective messaging Increasing open rates by testing different wording and branding of messages Determining more successful subject lines Optimising your email templates for your audience (Greenpeace)

16 Split testing - key points Set up individual emails (different messages, different subjects) Test individual emails Set up split test – identify percentage of the list for each of the templates you are testing Review the results Send the most successful template to the rest of the list

17 7. Using profiles to find your super activists and segment Key points: Create profiles Create an email and relevant copy blocks Assign copy blocks to relevant profiles Run profiles Send out email to your supporters database Tailored messages Increased response rates Increased participation Recognition to active supporters Profiles: Activity Form data Questions Tracking values Conditional content: Swapping copy that matches a profile ‘Templates’: Placeholders Copy blocks

18 8. Converting offline to online through message upload How it works? Message upload tool allows you to send supporter emails and campaign messages directly to the campaign target(s) Messages can be either delivered to a ‘single contact’ or a group of ‘single contacts’ or relevant targets in an Engaging Networks database (postcode based) You can trigger the emails to targets based on the updated data Why use it  If you have collected a list of supporters offline with the intention of delivering it to a campaign target  If the list was generated online but that system has no way of delivering the messages  Your office is being sent campaign postcards and you want to send them on electronically  If you collected names of supporters before election, or during events, festivals

19 9. Social sharing tags in copy blocks  Inserting plugins directly into copy blocks  Engaging supporters  Spreading the word about your campaigns  Getting consistent messaging out for each action

20 10. Meta tags in HTML templates  Being more interactive with your social networks – so that they can pick up the relevant information from your campaign pages  Tailoring the messaging to make it specific to individual actions without having to update the actual template code.  Opengraph tags (facebook, google +1)

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